Michal Čihař - Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W17

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W17

Last week was quite split into many smaller tasks - working on our libraries (both SQL parser and motranslator got new releases with bug fixes), fixing bugs for upcoming 4.6.1 and working on documentation.

From the libraries side, probably most visible is release of motranslator 1.0, just to claim it's now stable enough. Let's see if somebody else will pick it up as well or it will stay only for our use.

Most time was however spent on our documentation. We've agreed to move wiki from our server to GitHub wiki and reduce content available on the wiki. So far it's really mixture of user documentation, notes and developer documentation. The final shape should be that wiki will contain only developer documentation and all end user documentation will go to our documentation. So far I've gone through about half of user docs pages, deleted duplicated ones and moved content to our documentation. It is most visible on the user guide which now contains way more information and hopefully it will get more complete in near future.

Handled issues: