Michal Čihař - Archive for Nov. 1, 2006

Happy release day!

We have two releases today - one fixes security bug in stable branch ( and one to fix several bugs (2.9.1-rc2). Final 2.9.1 should follow soon if no major problem appears.

I also added MAINT_2_9_1 branch to snapshots and demo server, feel free to use them.

Package uploads

New month has come and thus there is new upstream release of stardict-english-czech package. While preparing upload for my sponsor, I decided to go also through rest of my packages. Wammu is for quite long waiting for my sponsor, so I pinged him. nanoblogger has some open bugs, so I fixed them and sent package to sponsor. And last but not least I sent ping to debian-mentors about sponsoring sonata, which is really cool application and I'd love to see it in next Debian release. However this target seems to be quite far away as nobody was attracted by it up to now.

I did it again

It happens too often in recent program releases - I do a release and few moments after it I notice some quite important bug. Today it is deadlock in upgrading in Ukolovnik. I should have seen it before (as I fixed simmilar problem for another part of config layer), but I haven't.

I'll wait for some time if something else appears and then make another new release. You can meanwhile apply patch from the bug manually or use daily snapshot.