Michal Čihař - Archive for May 23, 2007

Ukolovnik 0.7

New version of simple todo manager called Ukolovnik has been just released. Version 0.7 comes with following changes:

  • Development switched to subversion.
  • Added support for CSV export.
  • Added support for vCalendar export.

MediaWiki caching

Steve, I know that caching usually helps. But from all test I've made with MediaWiki installation on phpMyAdmin wiki, I can see that enabling any caching slows things down quite a lot.

With memcached based caching, each request takes about 15 seconds, if I add XCache backend for variables, it slows down things to 10 seconds and I receive same results with file based caching. So it doesn't seem to be problem with memcached, but rather MediaWiki issue. Unfortunately it's quite a lot of PHP code to investigate and I didn't find anything obvious in low level caching interface.

So say good bye to variable caching, opcode cache is enough for now and MySQL seems to handle the load quite well.

XCache in Debian is up to date

Same time I complained about not up to date xcache package, I wrote to current maintainer whether I can adopt it. As he promptly agreed to this, we now have up to date package in Debian archives.

The only thing I messed down is that I did upload in hurry and didn't check which all bugs I can close by it. Today it turned out that all opened bugs could be closed, so I made another upload just to close those bugs ;-).