Michal Čihař - Archive for Jan. 30, 2009

Gammu news

Okay, I'm again not ready for release on Friday, so I will probably switch to Monday releases ;-). But I think it's good to announce some news which you can expect in next Gammu version.

Besides usual bunch of bug fixes (many of them were revealed by testing with Valgrind) the new testing version will have few interesting features.

For Nokia users on Linux is great news, that Gammu can now use directly FBUS USB interface (through libusb-1.0. This is especially good news for DKU-2 cable owners, as before they did not have possibility to use Gammu without compiling separate (and broken) module. This connection type is called fbususb and is heavily inspired by implementation in Gnokii, but uses newer libusb API and behaves more nicely when CDC ACM driver has already hooked some interfaces. I would specially like to thank to Peter Stuge for testing this feature (I'm still without a Nokia cable).

The second big news is monitoring of SMSD state. SMSD now exports shared memory segment, where some information about it's runtime can be found. Little program called gammu-smsd-monitor can display you these information.

The third update is for python-gammu users, which now gain ability to interact with SMSD through new gammu.SMSD object. For now it can inject SMSD messages and get SMSD status (see previous paragraph), but more features can come in future. I want to use this for creating some GUI for SMSD, which will allow to send messages and monitor it's state. But this is still future and if you want to write something like this, you're welcome!