Michal Čihař - Archive for Nov. 26, 2010

Call for phpMyAdmin translations

As phpMyAdmin is heading closer to 3.4 release, we would like to invite translators to be able to bring this version localized as much as possible.

We don't expect any message changes to happen in 3.4 anymore, so it's best time to start translating right now. You can find more information about translating on our website, but you can as well start translating right now at translation server.

There are so many languages, but majority of languages are really in bad shape right now. This is your chance to contribute to the free software!

Upgrading OpenWrt

While doing some bigger downloads, my wifi network used to have big problems, seeing tx errors, frame errors on the router. The router is old ASUS WL-500g Deluxe which was running OpenWrt Kamikaze up to now. I was anyway thinking going for something with 802.11a or 802.11n support, so I started to look for replacement. While looking for it and checking what newer boxes are supported by OpenWrt, I noticed, that I can finally try using 2.6 kernel and I should get working wireless as well with free (what was not possible for very long time).

I gave it a try and upgraded to Backfire 10.03.1-rc4. And looks there is no need to upgrade hardware right now. No more tx errors, the wireless is much more stable and faster.

Thanks to anybody who helped to create free drivers for Broadcom 4306 wireless chip.

PS: Upgrading OpenWrt while keeping configuration lead to horrible mess in my case, so I rather did clean install reconfiguring everything and rediscovering all errors I've made in the past.