Michal Čihař - Archive for Dec. 27, 2016

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W51

Week before Christmas was pretty productive with dozen of fixed issues, merged pull requests and various code and infrastructure improvements.

There was nothing extraordinary in bug fixing. One thing worth mentioning is that we were again hit by another PHP weirdness - this time in the openssl library, which emits warnings as errors and stores them internally while the function works just fine and returns expected result. We didn't realize that not picking up the warnings will lead to MySQL connection failure when using SSL.

On the infrastructure side, I've automated updates to localized documentation, so it now automatically follows master (on daily basis), so it will no longer happen that it's forgotten to be updated for few months. As you can see, there is quite big amount of strings to translate there, so any help is welcome.

Also the SQL parser finally got it's translations, you are welcome to contribute there as well (it mostly covers syntax error messages).

This is last report for 2016, I'm spending this week with family and without computer :-).

Handled issues: