Michal Čihař - Archive for Aug. 7, 2006

Typo redirect

While looking at webserver statistics, I noticed that people often write URLs wrongly. But the computer is here to fix it :-).

So you can now safely use gamu insted of gammu, wamu instead of wammu and even pyhon instead of python (this one was the most frequent).

PS: I also added missing graphs to Pack Test site.

What version control?

For upcoming Wammu-ng I have to resolve again same question that I solved for many times - what version control to use?

I know I want something distributed. I know I want to go away from arch/bazaar as they are not maintained anymore. However where to go? Mercurial? Bzr? Darcs? All of them seem to be good candidates, but I don't see much difference. I'd like to use something in Python as it's something what I can fix in case of problems (well I don't want to fix that, but who knows …).

I like bzr, but it's still quite moving target. Anyway it has some interesting ideas and it's probably what I will use at the end.