In development version of Wammu, I started to add some interaction
with my website. For now there are only menu entries to access website
and bug tracker, but there should be later integrated some access to
phone database.
First part is getting feedback from user. Easiest option is to open web
browser with prefilled values. This would not allow to remember state
whether user actually already provided feedback, but I don't know how
much I want to bother users. More complicated would be to fill in form
in Wammu and submit it from python. This should not be much complicated,
I'm only abit affraid of synchronisation of enum choices on both sides
(eg. connection names).
The second part is integration in phone configuration, so that user can
enter his phone name/vendor and will get list of reports. This is a bit
harder than reporting stuff, but it is needed to give phone database
more usage.
Do you have any other ideas how to integrate this functionality in
Wammu? Please write me.