Michal Čihař - Archive for Feb. 6, 2007

Gammu test version 1.09.19

I just released new version of Gammu, you can download it from download server. There is quite a lot of changes:

  • Do not ship make-release in tarball.
  • Fixed wrong encoding of text to vCard when last field was missing.
  • Fix crash when deleting entry from OBEX using LUIDs.
  • Improve detection of invalid config file (bug #68).
  • Support for MinGW cross compilation including Bluetooth and IrDA.
  • Support for generating installer using CPack.
  • Add Nokia 6030b ID.
  • Full support for enconding recurrency in vCard.

This release first comes with precompiled Windows binaries and Windows installer!

python-gammu for Windows

After some playing with distutils to make cross compilation using them possible, I finally gave up. Maybe I did not understand some part of guide, but resulting library only crashes Python.

So I googled once more and I found another approach to cross compile Python extensions for Windows on Linux.

And it was quite simple to do it. First you need Windows installer for Python. Now you need to get dll and includes out of this. I decided to leave hard work on Wine and hoped it will work:

/usr/bin/msiexec /i /tmp/python-2.5.msi

Now you have installed Python somewhere in ~/.wine/drive_c. All what is remaining is tuning of makefiles from original howto. You can also look on code for python-gammu which deals this issue.

Thanks to Matthew Mueller for great howto! BTW: I tested it with Python 2.5 and MinGW 3.4.5.