Michal Čihař - Archive for Sept. 21, 2007

XMP support for Python

As I produce quite a lot of photos and want to manage them in some reasonable way, I started to look for some tools which can do commenting/tagging/whatever of taken photos. I really don't want these meta data stored outside picture itself, so most of photo managers currently available are not acceptable. When reading Gnome 2.20, I noticed support for XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) in eog.

Well I didn't know this standard up to now, but it looks interesting. Especially when open source tools can easily adopt library open sourced by Adobe. I would like to add support for this to Lazygal, but I didn't find any reasonable Python module to work with XMP. There is simple extractor, but nothing what would allow me to easily grab meta data out of file. In fact one solution seems to exist, but it costs almost $300 and is not free software in any way.

Or did I just miss something when using Google and some such Python library exists?