Michal Čihař - Archive for June 17, 2008

Code of the day

Why the hell do I have to hit various obscure pieces of code today? Current winner is part of system-config-printer:

def monitor_session (*args):

    bus = dbus.SessionBus()
    bus.add_signal_receiver (monitor_session)
    print >> sys.stderr, "%s: failed to connect to session D-Bus" % \
    sys.exit (1)

If you don't know D-Bus or Python: It listens to all signals on session bus and does nothing with them. All this code causes is eating up memory and CPU cycles when there is some higher load on session bus.

PS: Maybe I miss some nice idea behind this code, please enlighten me.

No DebConf this year for me

Okay, I will again miss DebConf. This time it is not because of time, but because of money. The flight to Buenos Aires is far too expensive to go there just for DebConf and I didn't manage to plan some more travelling around South America...

Hopefully it will get better next year, at least DebConf will be much closer :-).

PS: Just after deadline for confirmation and my decision for not going there, I got an email that my sponsorship for travel was approved. Unfortunately too late to change my decision.