Yes, blacklists are great, especially if wrongly used. Currently I can not renew SSL certificate I used to have from StartSSL, because they somehow use blacklist from Google to block sites with malware. The word somehow is important here, because I am not listed as being suspicious, but they still see me blacklisted.
And the more funny thing seems to be that Google found sometimes some malware on my site, but there is no way to find out what it was. Maybe it is somehow related to the broken antivirus complaining that NSIS binary contains a virus, but who knows...
As the funny story goes on, I get to know that it is because I'm on AS:15685 network. Well I am. And as well are about other thousands of servers hosted in that place. So what?
PS: Just to be sure, I just did full scan of all files on and here is the result:
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 621888
Engine version: 0.95.2
Scanned directories: 133
Scanned files: 3975
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 14546.95 MB
Data read: 2462.58 MB (ratio 5.91:1)
Time: 1093.524 sec (18 m 13 s)