Michal Čihař - Lets automate the work

Lets automate the work

Fixing bugs in code and committing it to VCS usually also means that you need to interact somehow with BTS you use to let it know that the bug has been fixed. This is manual work which could be done by some clever commit scripts, right? All what is needed is just spend some time to set it up.

Most of my development currently goes to Gammu/Wammu which uses own Mantis bug tracker. It is already a bit prepared for integration with VCS, but I never found their documentation sufficient. Fortunately somebody wrote tutorial on integrating Mantis and Subversion, which made it quite easy to set up. All what was needed was to put little commit hook into SVN.

Now the logical step was to make it also for Debian packages. A bit of Googling revealed discussion on debian-devel. Unfortunately no example for SVN, but ripping out needed things from Manoj's script for Arch was quite easy and I made my own commit hook. While looking at this, I also found wonderful tool called debcommit, which commits changes to Debian package using changelog entries as commit message. I still wonder how many useful tools are hidden to me.

The only thing I don't know is why Google didn't show me yesterday svnlog, which seems to have support for Debian BTS out of the box. Maybe I just entered slightly different keywords than today when trying to find the mentioned thread on debian-devel.