Michal Čihař - Translate phpMyAdmin documentation

Translate phpMyAdmin documentation

I've just set up system for translating documentation using gettext, so you have another great opportunity to bring phpMyAdmin closer to non English speaking audience.

The translation is done using po4a and gettext, what makes it more standard and probably also easier than translating phpMyAdmin itself. The easiest way to start translating is to go to https://l10n.cihar.com/projects/pmadoc/, login and translate.

If you prefer more control, you can get po file (either by svn co https://phpmyadmin.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phpmyadmin/trunk/localized_docs/po or by finding it online using ViewVC) and send us updates.

I added all languages which have reasonable amount of translation and/or recent activity in phpMyAdmin. If your language is missing feel free to ask me to add one, but consider first translating phpMyAdmin itself.