Michal Čihař - Archive for 8/2017

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W34

Last week was again mostly spent on fixing bugs and going through reports on our error reporting server. This is really valuable tool for finding problems which hit our users, on the other side there is simply too many things there and sometimes it's hard to pinpoint something really important.

Besides that I've also ensured that all our libraries work well with upcoming PHP 7.2 and all are now tested on Travis CI against this version as well.

Handled issues:

New projects on Hosted Weblate

Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue has grown too long, so it's time to process it and include new project.

This time, the newly hosted projects include:

If you want to support this effort, please donate to Weblate, especially recurring donations are welcome to make this service alive. You can do them on Liberapay or Bountysource.

Taking over siphashc for Python

Since some time we're using siphash algorithm to speed up looking up strings in Weblate. Even though it is used by Python internally, it's not exposed in the standard library so several third party modules appeared in the PyPI. Out of all these siphashc or rather it's Python 3 fork siphashc3 seemed to perform best, so I've started to use that.

However it turned out that none of them is in active maintenance anymore. The original version lacks Python 3 support, while the siphashc3 uses odd versioning which causes problems to some pip versions.

After trying to get fix into siphashc3 without much of success, I've spoken to original author of siphashc and he has agreed to hand over maintainership to me. So it's new home is at https://github.com/WeblateOrg/siphashc and new release is already available on PyPI.

Note: Originally we were using MD5 in Weblate, but siphash has shown to be faster and fits into 64-bits, what makes it easier to store and index in SQL databases as LONGINT.

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W33

Last week was a bit less intensive on bug fixes, but I've spent quite a lot of time on improving our localized documentation and fixing various errors there. This is really something what should be automatically checked in Weblate in the long term, but right now it results in build failures in Travis.

Handled issues:

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W32

I've spent last week on DebConf, where main motivation to come was to meet with other phpMyAdmin team members. Besides that we've met with Marc, former phpMyAdmin lead.

On the coding side, it was pretty much just reviewing pull requests and some minor fixes.

Handled issues:

New projects on Hosted Weblate

Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue was over one month long, so it's time to process it and include new project.

This time, the newly hosted projects include:

If you want to support this effort, please donate to Weblate, especially recurring donations are welcome to make this service alive. You can do them on Liberapay or Bountysource.

Weblate 2.16

Weblate 2.16 has been released today while I'm at DebConf17. There are quite some performance improvements (and more of that is scheduled for 2.17), new file formats support and various other improvements.

Full list of changes:

  • Various performance improvements.
  • Added support for nested JSON format.
  • Added support for WebExtension JSON format.
  • Fixed git exporter authentication.
  • Improved CSV import in certain situations.
  • Improved look of Other translations widget.
  • The max-length checks is now enforcing length of text in form.
  • Make the commit_pending age configurable per component.
  • Various user interface cleanups.
  • Fixed component/project/sitewide search for translations.

If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions.

You can find more information about Weblate on https://weblate.org, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on https://hosted.weblate.org/ as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Turris, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects.

Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure.

Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W31

This week was quite productive in terms of bug fixes and various code improvements. One of most visible things is probably PHP 7.2 compatibility, but there were other fixes as well.

I've somehow failed to post this report on time, so sorry for late publishing.

Handled issues:

Changes to Docker container for Weblate

I've made several changes to the Weblate Docker container which are worth mentioning today.

First of all if you are still using nijel/weblate, you should switch to weblate/weblate. They both currently share same configuration, but it might happen that some future updates will go to the weblate owned container only.

Now back to the container changes. Since beginning we were using Django built in server. That's fine for development purposes, but it really doesn't work that well in production as it can handle only one request at time. Therefore we've switched to more robust approach using nginx + uwsgi + supervisor.

Thanks to this, the docker-compose no longer needs separate nginx server as everything is now sanely handled within the weblate container itself.

Going to DebConf17

After fours years, I will again make it to DebConf, I'm looking forward to meet many great people, so if you want to meet and happen to be in Montreal next week come and say hello to me :-).

It seems I've settled down on four year schedule - I've attended DebConf09 and DebConf13 so far. Let's see if next one will come in 2021 or earlier.