Michal Čihař - Archive for 11/2018

Weblate 3.3

Weblate 3.3 has been released today. The most visible new feature are component alerts, but there are several other improvements as well.

Full list of changes:

  • Added support for component and project removal.
  • Improved performance for some monolingual translations.
  • Added translation component alerts to highlight problems with a translation.
  • Expose XLIFF unit resname as context when available.
  • Added support for XLIFF states.
  • Added check for non writable files in DATA_DIR.
  • Improved CSV export for changes.

If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions.

You can find more information about Weblate on https://weblate.org, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. Weblate is also being used on https://hosted.weblate.org/ as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Turris, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects.

Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure.

Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Alerts in Weblate to indicate problems with translations

Upcoming Weblate 3.3 will bring new feature called alerts. This is one place location where you will see problems in your translations. Right now it mostly covers Weblate integration issues, but it will be extended in the future for deeper translation wide diagnostics.

This will help users to better integrate Weblate into the development process giving integration hints or highlighting problems Weblate has found in the translation. It will identify typical problems like not merged git repositories, parse errors in files or duplicate translation files. You can read more on this feature in the Weblate documentation.

Alerts in Weblate

You can enjoy this feature on Hosted Weblate right now, it will be part of upcoming 3.3 release.