Michal Čihař - How to support more phones?

How to support more phones?

Users always request support for their latest shiny new phone. But how to manage such support in environment where you can not buy each new phone to implement support for it?

You can try write driver only by using documentation for manufacturers who provide it (like Sony-Ericsson), but there will most likely be bugs which need hardware to be debugged.

For phones where is no documentation available (eg. Nokia), it is almost impossible to support them without having access to actual device (at least through user who has enough interest in improving support).

I'd like to implement full support for Sony-Ericsson to achieve comparable feature set to FMA. However I still have more important expenses than buying phone from them, so this task stuck for long time in my queue. In fact it also holds Wammu development as I'd like to start with more complex feature set than my current phone supports and it's impossible to implement it without phone.

So what now? Maybe is here somebody who would be interested enough in improved tools and will help me buying such phone. But I don't believe this will happen, at least my current experiences tell so…