Michal Čihař - Fun with software catalogues

Fun with software catalogues

Recently, I made available information about Gammu and Wammu in machine readable formats (currently DOAP and PAD). In order to fully use advantage of PAD, I decided to push both Gammu and Wammu to some PAD enabled sites I found. At least it should give it a bit more visibility in Windows world.

When I started looking for these sites, I was surprised that there is so much of them. Yes it is quite easy to setup such site as ASP provides PHP scripts to make such site, but I expected that people would be a bit sane and would not start 1001th software catalogue. But anyway, let's submit my software there to spread the world a bit ;-).

The important site (at least as far as I remember them from times when I was using Windows) like Tucows or cnet downloads, have some lengthy review process, what is okay for me. But more funny are random small sites, where you immediately get 5/5 stars or sticker 100% Vista Compatible. Who cares, let's see if it will really attract some users.