You can see it from my blog activity as well, I simply lack time for lot of things.
My Gammu mail folders are horribly full of unread mail, it took me there three months to release a new testing version and there are still some patches pending for review.
On phpMyAdmin side I spend most time with my GSoC students, who progress really well, but that's pretty much all I can do there. The good news is that website has new maintainer and is again getting new content. Hopefully it will stay alive for longer time to bring back lost visitors.
My Debian contributions are in still pretty good shape and I manage to fix important bugs, though my MPD related packages are still for sale. Still considering whether to go or not to go to Debconf, my decision will be probably based on fact whether I will get travel sponsorship or not (and when it would happen).
Besides these free software activities I began to be more active in Společné aktivity (in Czech) project for organizing various activities to spend free time.
Occasionally I also contribute to OpenStretMap, but it's more or less random time when I notice something is wrong or when I manage to visit some place which is not that good mapped. The good thing is that Prague is pretty good shape there, so it does not motivate me to spend too much time on this :-).
And of course there is my work at SUSE, working on usual L3 front and improving our Django based incident tracking tool.
Maybe I should step down from some of these, but it would be pretty hard for me to choose which one...