Michal Čihař - Archive for Nov. 15, 2011

GePeS 0.1.2

Yesterday, I finally took closer look at long standing GePeS bug on displaying speed and altitude wrongly (which I've mentioned in very first posts). For some reason I believed it is not my bug, but in QML bindings and let it be there.

Receiving complain from Maarten ter Huurne, that this does not work made me look into it more deeply. Of course I found out it was caused by stupid typo and quickly fixed it. New release is now available on GePeS homepage and will be available shortly in Nokia store.

QtSDK installation troubles

Recently my installation of Qt SDK I use for development of applications for Nokia N950 (N9) got broken. It happened by update some postinst script failed what caused almost no part of Harmattan SDK to be installed. I hoped this to be temporary error which will get fixed by later updates, but it turned out to persist even for 1.1.4 which has been released week ago.

Yesterday I finally got time to look into it and after some debugging I found out that it was trying to install x86_64 version, which was not downloaded because I was using 32bit installer. I quickly realized this was caused by using 64-bit kernel, while running 32-bit userspace, for which the installer somehow was not prepared.

Fortunately there is easy workaround for that:

linux32 ./Qt_SDK_Lin32_online_v1_1_4_en.run

What will run the binary in 32-bit personality and make kernel pretend it is compiled for 32-bit.