Michal Čihař - Archive for 10/2015

Gammu 1.36.6

Gammu 1.36.6 has been just released. New bugfix release with lot of improvements in the documentation.

Full list of changes:

  • Fixed installation of bash-completion script.
  • Fixed timezone manipulation in SMSD.
  • Documentation improvements.
  • Fixed licensing of helper/win32-dirent.*.
  • Increased default speed for AT connection to 115200.
  • Improve AT module initialization.

You can download it from http://wammu.eu/download/.

Support this program by donations http://wammu.eu/donate/.

python-suseapi 0.22

The python-suseapi 0.22 has been released last week. The version number shows nothing special, but one important change has happened - the development repository has been moved.

It's now under openSUSE project on GitHub, what makes it easier to find for potential users and also makes team maintenance a bit easier than under my personal account.

If you're curious what the module does - it's mostly usable only inside SUSE, providing access to some internal services. One major thing usable outside is the Bugzilla interface, which should be at one day replaced by python-bugzilla, but for now provides some features not available there (using web scraping).

Anyway the code has documentation on readhtedocs.org, so you can figure out yourself what it includes.

IMAP utils 0.5

I've just released new version of imap-utils. Main reason for new release was change on PyPI which now needs files to be hosted there.

However the new release also comes with other changes:

  • Changed license to GPL3+.
  • Various coding style fixes.

Also this is first release done from Git repository hosted on GitHub.