Michal Čihař - Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W07

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W07

As the flow of incoming bugs for upcoming 4.6.0 has slowed down a bit it was more time for code cleanups and related tasks. But it's also time where potential Google Summer of Code students come to our organization and want to get involved.

On the cleanup side the biggest was change to remove embedded PHP libraries which are available on Packagist from our Git and use Composer to manage the dependencies. This change will happen in 4.7.0, so it's still some time ahead, but it's already in our master branch. There still some third party libraries which we use and can not be installed using Composer, so we keep these for now.

Besides the usual bug fixing stuff, I've noticed that we lack issues which can be easily understood and fixed by potential Google Summer of Code. We require them to get involved before the program starts, so that we can see they are capable of useful contributions and also to see how they behave if asked for patch improvements. To fix this deficit we're prepared few small cleanup or refactoring tasks, where the students can show their skills.

All handled issues:


wrote on Feb. 29, 2016, 11:04 a.m.

the last update of php7 (feb-28-2016) made phpmyadmin stop working with the following error: msqli extension is missing (as a matter of fact msqli extension is not missing)

wrote on Feb. 29, 2016, 1:05 p.m.

Are you running 4:4.5.5-2?