As you could see tonight, last week was again full of security work. Mostly again XSS issues, but nothing really easily exploitable.
On the refactoring side, the most time was spent on bringing php-gettext to better shape. In the it ended up as being separate library which can be used by others as well - motranslator.
Another major task was to identify some easier tasks for prospective GSoC students and help them with implementing the changes. This worked quite well, but we will most likely loose those students as we were not selected this year to participate.
List of handled issues:
- #12029 4.5.5 ExportSql.class.php incorrect call to SqlParser\Context
- #12018 Replace builtin php-gettext with external library
- #12023 Replace embedded php-gettext library with motranslator
- #12021 Cookieless Applicatiion Support - PhpMyAdmin
- #11988 Refactor javascript escaping
- #11989 Refactor text sanitization
- #11990 Refactor url parmeters generating
- #11996 Issue#11989, #11988, #11990
- #11978 Resolve #11643 : Maintain filter states for db/table navigation filters
- #11963 Fixes #11865 partially
- #11986 Removal of Swekey
- #11962 Switch dependency handling to composer
- #11976 Move dependencies handling to composer
- #11994 Refactored url parmeters generating, Issue #11990
- #11995 remove_msie9 (fix_11987)
- #11987 Remove code for older MSIE < 9
- #11981 Remove Swekey authentication support