Last week was again focused on bug fixing due to increased amount of received bug reports on 4.6.0 release. Fortunately most of the annoying bugs are already fixed in git and will be soon released as 4.6.1.
Another bigger task which was started last week was wiki migration. So far we've been using own wiki running MediaWiki and we're migrating it to GitHub wiki. The wiki on GitHub is way simpler, but it seems as better choice for us. During the migration all user documentation will be merged into our documentation, so that it's all in one place and wiki will be targeted on developers.
Handled issues:
- #12146 Issue connecting to MySQL using SSL
- #12203 fatal on insert/modifying password filed as password function
- #12175 Exporting as .zip removes export timestamp, PHP version, and server version
- #12204 Report what is actually wrong if disk is full
- #12206 /setup script couldn't load previous
- #12199 Class 'PMA\libraries\navigation\nodes\Node' not found
- #12196 $cfg['ThemePath'] doesn't accept absolute paths
- #12200 ndbcluster engine missing relation view menu
- #12202 Win10 - EDGE - v4.6.0 - Call to undefined function PMA\libraries\PMA_langSet()
- #12201 PhpMyAdmin dies with gettext error, then unable to login
- #12197 Error when INSERT statement containing backslash
- #12190 GZip .....unavailable on this system ?
- #12194 Not able to Add Multiple Hosts in phpMyAdmin
- #12193 Do not hide errors from database connection attempts
- #12181 Call to undefined function __() in /pma/libraries/sanitizing.lib.php on line 135 (with signon and direct link)
- #12172 Error 1064
- #12186 Export and Import page goes blank. v4.6.0
- #12185 Some errors have been detected on the server
- #23 I cannot login to PMA - Error #2002 - php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed
- #27 Add Kubernetes support
- #28 Add ability to connect via MySQL socket instead of TCP
It would be very nice if this stuff stopped showing up on Debian planet