Michal Čihař - Archive for Aug. 17, 2016

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W32

Tonight phpMyAdmin,, and 4.6.4 were released and you can probably see that there are quite some security issues fixed. Most of them are not really exploitable unless your PHP and webserver are poorly configured, but still it's good idea to upgrade.

If you are running Debian unstable, use our phpMyAdmin PPA for Ubuntu or use phpMyAdmin Docker image upgrading should be as simple as pulling new version.

Besides fixing security issues, we're generally hardening our infrastructure. I'm really grateful that Emanuel Bronshtein (@e3amn2l) is doing great review of all of our code and helps us in this area. This will really make our code and infrastructure much better.

Handled issues:

Revoking old PGP key

It has been already six years since I've moved to using RSA4096 PGP key. For various reasons, the old DSA key was still kept valid till today. This is no longer true and it has been revoked now.

The revoked key is DC3552E836E75604 and new one is 9C27B31342B7511D. In case you've signed the old one and not the new one (quite unlikely if you did not sign it more than six years ago), there has been migration document, where you can verify my new key being signed by the old one.