Michal Čihař - Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W01

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W01

First week in 2017 has been quite busy. There was usual amount of bug screening and fixing on phpMyAdmin, but I've attended other parts of the project as well.

The Docker container got big upgrade to Alpine 3.5 and PHP 7, so it will perform better thanks to performance improvements in PHP 7. Thanks to additional cleanups the image also got 3 MB smaller.

On the libraries side we've started using php-cs-fixer for code cleanup. It all started with pull request for SQL parser, but I've quickly added it to all libraries making the code consistent (this still doesn't apply to phpMyAdmin itself as it has historical mess with own coding style). While visiting SQL parser it got also bunch of fixes which were released as 3.4.16.

Handled issues: