Michal Čihař - Archive for Nov. 7, 2017

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W44

Most of last week was spent on bringing U2F and 2FA to phpMyAdmin. Besides that it was really just minor bug fixing.

We've had one pull request for the 2FA already open, however it was not really in quality to be merged and the original author really didn't come back to address our concerns. I was thinking to start over from his work, but in the end I've decided to start from scratch and come with code which will make easier to implement additional second authentication factors in the future.

Anyway what is now there is support for HOTP/TOTP authentication (Google Authenticator and similar) and FIDO U2F hardware tokens. The latter has been tested with TREZOR, but should work with any compliant device.

phpMyAdmin with TREZOR

Handled issues: