Last week contributions were mostly focused on fixing bugs. It's a bit hard to pinpoint something out of these, but most of them were really old, but not easy to trigger.
For example there were some javascript errors which were not easily reproducible, but turned out to be affecting quite a lot of our users. It turned out to be affecting only some variants of TIMESTAMP fields, what none of the reports did mention.
I've also switched all our libraries to use ApiGen 4 for generating docs as ApiGen 5 is way slower and is looking for new maintainer in the same time.
Handled issues:
- #13613 create_release error
- #13848 Error 500 rejected when grouping only in the newest version
- #13861 Error while running tests
- #13867 Try to use more recent phpunit-selenium
- #13856 JavaScript TypeError "Cannot read property 'settings'"
- #13869 Troubling use of filters
- #13865 Wrong max upload filesize in some translations
- #13868 Clean elses
- #142 phpMyAdmin can not connect to MySQL when user "REQUIRE SSL"
- #143 Hard to handle many servers with
- #183 Refactoring tests
- #23 on the Gettext compatability usage add these