Michal Čihař - Archive for Jan. 1, 2006

PackTest lives

When I recently found one of forgotten old childs living in dark side of internet hidden under tons of advertisements, I decided to move it back to my server. This step doesn't mean revival of that testing, I just don't want to be connected with that site full of ads :-). So it doesn't really live.

Now I decided that it maybe deserves own domain. So if you want to see what I did more than six years ago, visit packtest.cihar.com.

python-gammu 0.13

python-gammu 0.13 has been just released. New features:

  • Implemented adding of entries even when phone does not directly support that.
  • Error messages are now also unicode objects as they might be translated by gammu.
  • Properly handle locales in case other python module also uses them.
  • Added some examples.

2.8.1 release in demos and snapshots

As we recently started MAINT_2_8_1 branch, which will be used for 2.8.1 release, demo server and snapshots now also contains it.

Additionally CVS is switched back to anonymous service, but SourceForge promises there will be no more than 2 hours delay. This also means that CVS snapshots are again usable as CVS sources after unpacking.

Zážitky s Českými drahami

Po dlouhé době jsem opět využil služeb Českých drah. Jako obvykle to člověka naplní různými zážitky.

Začalo to poměrně pozitivním zjištěním, že si člověk může koupit lístek pro kolo za 60 Kč a na ten pak kolo vozit dva dny. Ovšem kdyby ho bylo kam dát. V jízdním řádu jsem si vybral vlak se symbolem a popisem rozšířená přeprava spoluzavazadel, především jízdních kol . Ve vlaku mi bylo průvodčím vysvětleno, že tento symbol v podstatě nic neznamená, protože on v tom vlaku prostě místa na kola jinde než na plošinách normálního vagónu nemá. No nějak jsme se tam naskládali a naštěstí nikdo mezitím nechtěl vystupovat, takže nevzniklo moc konfliktů.

Při zpáteční cestě jsem pak už jen pobaveně sledoval, jak jsou schopni synchronizovat zpoždění dvou navazujících vlaků, takže přes 20 minut zpoždění oba vlaky dorazily do přestupní stanice současně :-).

Gammu in the wild

It's nice to see reports that some large SMS services run on Gammu. I know there are more, but mostly such information is hidden and nobody except people who wrote that know about used software.

Make such reports more often, it makes people happy. Usually mailing list is just full of complains that something is not working and few good words can't make anything bad :-).

DNS blacklists in Exim

Well I expected this would be more complicated than defining DNS blacklist servers list. Hower thanks to great defaults, all you need is to put list into user defines (separate file which is included early like /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/000_localdefs should be best place):

CHECK_RCPT_DOMAIN_DNSBLS = dnsbl.njabl.org : \
                            bl.spamcop.net : \
                            blackholes.five-ten-sg.com : \
                            cbl.abuseat.org : \
                            smtp.dnsbl.sorbs.net : \
                            spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net : \
                            zombie.dnsbl.sorbs.net : \
                            web.dnsbl.sorbs.net : \
                            rhsbl.sorbs.net : \
                            sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org : \
                            psbl.surriel.com : \

SourceForge? Thanks no!

phpMyAdmin started to be hosted on SourceForge long time ago (AFAIR it was in 2001). It has served mostly good for it's purpose, but these days, it's getting like nightmare.

First, at the end of March, CVS servers crashed and since that time anonymous CVS is disabled. Well at least that does not stop developing. Last week developer CVS server crashed. It has been disabled since then and we're now waiting for new CVS infrastructure, which should be ready several months ago (at least they promised so). This stopped phpMyAdmin development and also delayed deployment of some security fixes.

Okay, problems happen, but why the hell they didn't announce this on status page until some personal intervencies happened?

And I'm a bit confused about their "priority support" which is provided for subscribers. More than two days old report and no answer? I'm probably not going to pay next year...

What I miss on Gammu?

I told this for many times before, so I just repeat: Such project needs version control system. No matter which one, but having at least CVS would make things lot of better than now. However Marcin seems unfortunately not to be interested in such "innovation". So I will still use my fixes branch, some people will want to use snapshots from that and we will sync with Marcin by sending patches and randomly forgetting about some parts (good luck that bazaar won't forget).