Michal Čihař - Archive for 5/2015

Weblate 2.3

Weblate 2.3 has been released today. It comes with better features for project owners, better file formats support and more configuration options for users.

Full list of changes for 2.3:

  • Dropped support for Django 1.6 and South migrations.
  • Support for adding new translations when using Java Property files
  • Allow to accept suggestion without editing.
  • Improved support for Google OAuth2.
  • Added support for Microsoft .resx files.
  • Tuned default robots.txt to disallow big crawling of translations.
  • Simplified workflow for accepting suggestions.
  • Added project owners who always receive important notifications.
  • Allow to disable editing of monolingual template.
  • More detailed repository status view.
  • Direct link for editing template when changing translation.
  • Allow to add more permissions to project owners.
  • Allow to show secondary language in zen mode.
  • Support for hiding source string in favor of secondary language.

You can find more information about Weblate on http://weblate.org, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user.

Weblate is also being used https://hosted.weblate.org/ as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, Gammu, Weblate itself and other projects.

If you are free software project which would like to use Weblate, I'm happy to help you with set up or even host Weblate for you.

Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far!

PS: The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Translating Sphinx documentation

Few days ago, I've started writing Odorik module to manipulate with API of one Czech mobile network operator. As usual, the code comes with documentation written in English. Given that vast majority of users are Czech, it sounds useful to have in Czech language as well.

The documentation itself is written in Sphinx and built using Read the Docs. Using those to translate the documentation is quite easy.

First step is to add necessary configuration to the Sphinx project as described in their Internationalization Quick Guide. It's matter of few configuration directives and invoking of sphinx-intl and the result can be like this commit.

Once the code in repository is ready, you can start building translated documentation on the Read the docs. There is nice guide for that as well. All you need to do is to create another project, set it's language and link it from master project as translation.

The last step is to find some translators to actually translate the document. For me the obvious choice was using Weblate, so the translation is now on Hosted Weblate. The mass import of several po files can be done by import_project management command.

And thanks to all these you can now read Czech documentation for python Odorik module.

Odorik modul 0.4

Dnes jsem vydal novou verzi Python modulu Odorik. Přidává spoustu užitečných vlastností pro zjištění stavu účtu.

Jako bonus k tomuto vydání je dokumentace přeložená do češtiny za použití Weblate.

Python modul pro Odorik

Pokud náhodou použáváte operátora Odorik, mohl by se vám hodit můj nový modul pro Python. Dokonce ani nemusíte umět Python, dá se použít i přímo z příkazové řádky.

Funkčnost je zatím velmi jednoduchá, ale čase určitě přibudou další užitečné funkce (nebojte se mi nahlásit nápady).

Zjištění zůstatku na účtu:

$ odorik balance
balance: 123.45

Zjištění aktuálního využití dat:

$ odorik mobile-data --phone 00420789123456
bytes_total: 111593707
bytes_down: 87039672
bytes_up: 24554035
price: 0

Odeslání SMS zprávy:

$ odorik send-sms 00420789123456 "Ahoj, jak se mas?"

Více příkadů naleznete v dokumentaci.

python-gammu 2.2

After recent porting python-gammu to Python 3, it was quite obvious to me that new release will have some problems. Fortunately they have proven to be rather cosmetic and no big bugs were found so far.

Anyway it's time to push the minor fixes to the users, so here comes python-gammu 2.2. As you can see, the changes are pretty small, but given that I don't expect much development in the future, it's good to release them early.

This was Sri Lanka

We've spent beautiful weeks on Sri Lanka in January and February. On the way we've seen many different places - ancient cities, mountains, natural parks or beaches. Here comes selection of photos which I like most.