It looks like my post about bugs in Ubuntu has received a bit more
attention than I expected for few lines of ranting :-). Most interesting
reactions came to Lucas Nussbaum's blog.
There were nice explanations how it is supposed to work, but the problem is
that people out there can not manage that amount of bugs. It is possible, that
for some core packages, they manage to do the job. However most bug reports
will probably go to some leaf packages, which are not that important, but lot
of people use them.
I started to interest in bugs in Ubuntu when I noticed that there is some huge
number of bugs linked on phpMyAdmin's PTS page. There was something like
50 too much bugs. After quick look I could see that most of them are
duplicates. After little fight with ajaxy interface, I even managed to mark
most of them as duplicates and fix it in Debian package. But as somebody with
no knowledge of Ubuntu (and not willing to learn internals of yet another
distribution, I think Debian and OpenSUSE is enough), I really have no idea
what could be done to push some bug fix to existing release. So once some
Ubuntu release (The Lucid Lynx in this case) got new version, I marked the bug
as fixed. This is probably not that nice to users, but somebody from Ubuntu
community should take care of them.
Off-topic PS: If anybody is interested in Google Wave invitations, just write
me an email, I currently have 15 without any use.