Michal Čihař - Archive for Oct. 1, 2010

Hidden phpMyAdmin contributions

After being noticed in blog comment about another theme for phpMyAdmin, I started to look for other hidden contributions for phpMyAdmin and I was surprised how many people did not even try to submit their code upstream. Have you ever considered trying to contact upstream?

Quick search on SourceForge.net revealed:

VisualMCD for phpMyAdmin

An Add-on for phpMyAdmin which enables user to create PDF Schema and Relation with a simple click and mouse moves. No more fastidious typing of table coords needed to create the PDF Schema.

Even though the SF.net history says it was released 440 days ago, it is actually dated back to 2003 and it obviously is not compatible with current code base. Also we have similar feature for few years now, so it was just duplicated effort.

phpMyAdmin theme: Paradice

Paradice is a Theme for the popular web-based database administration tool phpMyAdmin. You will find the development version here. All official releases will be made by the phpMyAdmin project.

This theme is just developed externally, but you can get it from our themes page

phpMyAdmin persian project

phpMyAdmin persian project

Something what seems to be dead from beginning. Anyway if you want to translate, please use our translation server.

MySQL Form Generator pour PHPMyAdmin

C'est un outil pour crr un site autour d'une base. Un gnrateur de formulaire. Sur base d'une DB Mysql.Projet prvu pour tre intgr PhpMyAdmin.mysql -> formulaire HTML+javascript avec le code PHP pour trater les soumissions de donnes.

Something we still don't have in phpMyAdmin, however the project is inactive for more than year.


Clean, modern and easy to use phpMyAdmin theme.

Theme which started this search, however it seems to fail for me right now.


Plugin for phpMyAdmin. PhpMyDesigner is a tool written in PHP and Ajax. This CASE with WEB interface. ( MySQL )

This actually does not fit into this blog, because it is one of projects that got merged and are now part of our code base.


phpMySchema is a tool written in PHP for generating an ERD or otherwise graphical view of your MySQL databse over the web. It is being developed to be used as a standalone script and as a module for phpMyAdmin.

Generally it looks like an interesting addition, however we can quite well compete with this after this year's GSoC, which added ability to export schema in various formats.