Last week was quite similar to previous weeks - most time has been spent on reviewing pull requests, improving documentation and improving Docker container.
On the Docker container, I've enabled open_basedir restrictions, so the attack surface is a bit lower. However there are still lot of hardening suggestions open in the issue tracker.
Handled issues:
- #12597 localized_docs build steps create dirty diff on Fedora 24
- #12598 Indonesian translations under language code 'in'
- #12594 Incorrect Regex: (192a168b0c1111 will pass)
- #12475 Double Assigning to $GLOBALS['showtable']
- #12508 Code Duplication
- #12505 Missing function PMA_sanitizeFilename
- #12511 Bypassing some regex used in ArbitraryServerRegexp
- #12297 featurerequest: add config parameter for logging errors to a file or syslog server
- #12332 Slowness issue with many tables
- #12367 Menu Expanding & Running Queries issues in LB setup
- #12484 Suggestion: Put most significant location information first in the title tag
- #12456 Setup and all other script fails to load when upgrading (from 2.11)
- #12499 Force index fails
- #12585 only_db was unexpectedly written to pma_userconfig
- #12590 Adding ENUM column in 4.6.4 don't works
- #89 Cleanup comment metadata