Michal Čihař - Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W20

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W20

Last week I was again quite active on development side bringing several improvements to master branch.

The biggest news is probably that phpMyAdmin no longer relies on eval() function. We've used it to run advisory rules on server configuration, but that is now done using Symfony ExpressionLanguage (which we anyway need due to motranslator).

When looking at things this does pull in, I've noticed that there is mbstring polyfill, which can be used instead of the one we ship (and was never completed). Thanks to this the mbstring dependency is now optional, but still recommended for performance reasons.

Another quite visible change is adding JSON metadata to our themes. Right now it covers basic things like theme compatibility and authorship, but more can be added later. This is also covered in our documentation.

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