Looking time to time to my QA page, I could not miss huge popularity boost for enca. After looking at reverse deps, I quickly found out that Mplayer from debian-multimedia is reason for this:
Don't be impatient
I handle bug reports and email communication as soon as possible, but it does not mean that it may take month or even more to get reply. I'm not working full time on my free software projects, I do it only in my free time. Besides this I have regular job and I also have a real life with another hobbies.
So if you wrote me something, just try to be patient, sending another emails to urge your issue won't help anybody. I will just have more unread mail to process until I get to real work.
Photo uploader 0.6
Even though I don't feel really good due to personal life, I decided to relelase Photo uploader 0.6. If you don't know this tool yet, it is helper to upload photos (or images) over net. It was created when I became too lazy to upload hundreds of photos to digilab, but generally it can support any service which allows you uploading of whatever using HTML forms.
News in this release:
- Added support for iTesco.cz.
Aktualizována kniha o phpMyAdminovi
Anglická kniha o phpMyAdminovi byla aktualizována pro současnou řadu phpMyAdmina – 2.11. Pokud vládnete angličtinou, tak pro vás může být ideálním zdrojem informací. Zakoupením této knihy přispíváte i přímo projektu phpMyAdmin! Více informací o novém vydání naleznete na stránkách vydavatelství .
Nvidia is bad, Intel is good?
Intel is always seen as good guy, who is writing open source drivers, releasing at least some specifications for hardware. Unfortunately it is not always the case. If you want to use their new embedded solution - Menlow CPU and Poulsbo chipset, they provide you lot of crap.
Basically what you get is a zip file containing several Microsoft Word documents, badly formatted text files (end of lines at each 80 chars), PDFs and some zip and tar archives. If you look to one of these archives, you will get binary graphical installer, which will install license, uninstallator and yet another set of tarballs. These tarballs finally contain binary and source packages you need to make graphics work on this platform. Maybe somebody did this to practise various ways of compressing and distributing things, but it is really amazing how many times you need to decompress several archives to actually get to the things you want.
Unfortunately at the end you will find out that libgl1-mesa-dri-psb binary (DRI driver for graphics) has no sources and Intel is not willing to give them to you. Bad luck if you have slightly different distribution than one of these which are supported (FC6, Midinux-build9, ubuntu-gutsy, ubuntu-hardy) and the provided binary simply crashes.
Wammu for Windows is back
This week I finally realized where problem with random crashes in Wammu and python-gammu lies - python-gammu was using two version of C library - mscvrt.dll and mscvr71.dll. First one came from Gammu and second one from Python. Starting with 1.19.0, Gammu is built with mscvr71.dll and random crashes are gone. Any tester did not report problems with Windows binary, so I decided to make it finally an official release.
So after year or more Windows users can finally use up to date Wammu version! Fortunately I can produce this version without even touching Windows. Thanks to tools such as MinGW and Wine, everything from compiling to generating installer can be scripted and done automatically on Linux!
So Windows users can now also download current version from http://wammu.eu/download/, enjoy it.
Gammu stable version 1.19.0
Good news everyone, new stable Gammu release is out. Since 1.18.92 it brings only few small fixes in build system, but there is quite big list of changes compared to 1.18.0:
- Add option to disable compiled in protection.
- Fixed detection of PostgreSQL.
- Improve debug messages when connecting to phone (bug #508).
- Fixed handling of some charsets in AT engine (bug #525).
- Identify more Nokia phones (thanks to Iván Gabriel).
- Fixed regression with DKU2 cables on Windows (bug #533).
- Better compatibility with iCalendar files (bug #538).
- Do not link with irprops.lib on Windows.
- Various MSVC compilation fixes.
- Improved AT model parsing and added tests.
- Fixed possible crash in reading SMS from AT phones (bug #515).
- Proper fall back to automatic model when user enters wrong one.
- Added identification of several phones.
- Fixed reading of messages from AT phones without ME memory.
- Improve charset detection on Motorola phones (bug #522).
You can download from usual place: http://cihar.com/gammu/.
python-gammu 0.25
New version of python-gammu has been just released. It fixes annoying problem with reporting wrong Gammu version and brings compatibility with Gammu 1.19.0. Full list of changes:
- Compatibility with current gammu.
- Fixed Gammu version reported by python-gammu.
Download from usual place: http://cihar.com/gammu/python/
Wammu 0.26
I just released version 0.26 of Wammu. This release fixes various problems found by users. Full list of changes:
- Various attempts to make Windows version back to usable state, but it is not ready yet as there are quite random crashes in python-gammu on Windows. Anybody with knowledge of python modules on Windows who is willing to help is welcome.
- Dropped GNOME Bluetooth (btctl) support, it crashes too often.
- Fix icons size to be all 16x16.
- Fixed crash when D-Bus can not launch notification service.
There is still no working binary for Windows. I don't have time and environment for maintaining them. Volunteers are welcome!
Jabber server side message archiving
One of reasons to setup my own Jabber server was to be able to store history on server while having data under my control. I use Jabber clients from several locations and having history on the server seems to be logical step.
Unfortunately implementations of XEP-0136 are a bit lacking. During install I enabled mod_archive, but it was not using up to date specification and there is no client which works with it, so there was no way to view data in it. Recently I found out that rewrite of this module exists - mod_archive_odbc. It is implementing current version of XEP-0136 and is using SQL database for storage (so at least writing SQL query to grab data is not that complicated as with Mnesia database used by original version).
Migrating of current history went quite good using wswutils, at least I did not notice any problems so far. The only problem is no support from clients. The only reliable way which works for now is Jabber archive web reader, but I'd really like to see integration in Gajim, any volunteers? :-)