Michal Čihař - Archive for 3/2013

phpMyAdmin translations status

Next round of phpMyAdmin 4.0 translation status report is coming.

So let's look at which translations are at 100% right now (new ones are bold):

Almost complete:

As you can see, there is still lot of languages missing, this might be your opportunity to contribute to phpMyAdmin. Also you are welcome to translate phpMyAdmin 4.0 using translation server.

If your language is already fully translated and you want to help as well, you can translate our documentation as well.

I did it again

phpMyAdmin's website just got small facelift from me. The motivation was to make navigation easier in some parts and to come up with consistent color schema.

This time changes are not that major as in past - basically just CSS changes and few minor changes to HTML code. The structure of the website is still pretty much same and I did not touch the texts at all.

Unfortunately this is still not responsive design, so it will not look that good in small or huge resolutions, but I hope to get back to this later.

Updated photo gallery

Finally, I've found some time to go through last year photos and make a good selection for my photo gallery.

While doing that, I've also adjusted the structure a bit, while putting together things which I think deserve own gallery. The biggest change is that there is now separate gallery for Czech-Saxon Switzerland.

Lot of new photos were uploaded to Dolomiti album or for Slovakia.

Photo uploader 0.10

Photo uploader has just got first release under new maintainer. It mostly fixes various bugs, but the project is going on.

Full list of changes:

  • Compatibility with Python 3.
  • Fix build with Python 2.7.
  • Added documentation in Sphinx format.
  • Updated imageshack support.

Thanks to Andrew Shadura for taking over this tool.

PS: The package should be soon available in Debian as well.

Server troubles

This night you might have noticed that some services like hosted Weblate or phpMyAdmin wiki being quite flaky.

It was caused by DDOS attack which pretty much busted firewall and thus made unable to open new connections. In the morning when I've realized this, I introduced another breakage by too strict filtering on firewall :-). However now everything should be back to normal.

Libravatar support in Weblate

For some time, Weblate was showing avatars for users. Just as I've discovered Libravatar - free and federated alternative to Gravatar, I thought it would be better replacement.

Quickly looking at their website, it seems that they transparently provide all avatars from Gravatar as well, so the migration seems to be pretty much painless. Basic replacement to use their server is just matter of changing base URLs, however to support federated behavior, you have to install pyLibravatar. Weblate in Git now supports both these ways.

While implementing the client side, I did also setup my own instance of Surrogator to provide avatars for some of my domains. Surprisingly this worked fine without problems, but let's see how much used this will actually become.

phpMyAdmin translations status

Next round of phpMyAdmin 4.0 translation status report is coming.

So let's look at which translations are at 100% right now:

Almost complete:

As you can see, there is still lot of languages missing, this might be your opportunity to contribute to phpMyAdmin. Also you are welcome to translate phpMyAdmin 4.0 using translation server.

If your language is already fully translated and you want to help as well, you can translate our documentation as well.

Weblate with Mercurial or Bazaar

Recently, I've learned about git remote helpers feature in Git, which allows to transparently use Git with other version control systems. As Weblate currently supports only Git, it was quite obvious to give this approach a try.

After some testing, it actually worked just fine - everything works as expected and you can use Weblate with Mercurial or Bazaar with these helpers. Of course there might be some rough edges, but all standard things I've tried worked just fine.

This is now also covered in Weblate's FAQ, which includes basic instructions on how to setup this.

Výborná večeře U bílé krávy

V rámci Grand Restaurant Festivalu jsme navštívili Restauraci U bílé krávy. Protože máme rádi hovězí maso a obzvláště steaky, byl to celkem snadný výběr.

V útulném prostředí jsme byli usazeni ke stolu a po povzbuzení chuťových buněk pomocí aperitivu Kir už na stůl přicházely variace z předkrmů (filátko krokodýla s lilkovým kaviárem s omáčkou demi glace, žabí stehýnko v bylinkové krustě se salátkem z řapíkatého celeru a fenyklu, kaštanové velouté s avokádovým olejem). Přestože jsem z kombinace měl původně obavy, nakonec se ukázala jako výborně sladěná a těžko vybírat, co bylo lepší.

Jako první z hlavních chodů bylo na pořadu Boeuf Bourguignon s batátovo-bramborovovým pyré, maso se rozplývalo na jazyku a omáčka s pyré ho vhodně doplňovala. Závěr degustačního chodu patřil výběru steaků Charolais, kde jsme byli již zcela ve svém živlu.

Vyvrcholení celého večera přišlo v podobě dezertu - tvarohová domácí zmrzlina s čerstvým ovocem, kterou obsluha připravila přímo na našem stole pomocí kapalného dusíku. Krásně se na to koukalo a výborně chutnalo, takže jsme odešli naprosto spokojeni.

phpMyAdmin translations status

Next round of phpMyAdmin 4.0 translation status report is coming.

So let's look at which translations are at 100% right now (some changes this week due to new strings to translate):

Almost complete:

As you can see, there is still lot of languages missing, this might be your opportunity to contribute to phpMyAdmin. Also you are welcome to translate phpMyAdmin 4.0 using translation server.

If your language is already fully translated and you want to help as well, you can translate our documentation as well.