Michal Čihař - Archive for 12/2017

New projects on Hosted Weblate

Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue has grown too long, so it's time to process it and include new projects. I hope that gives you have good motivation to spend Christmas break by translating free software.

This time, the newly hosted projects include:

There are also some notable additions to existing projects:

If you want to support this effort, please donate to Weblate, especially recurring donations are welcome to make this service alive. You can do that easily on Liberapay or Bountysource.

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W50

Last week contributions were mostly focused on fixing bugs. It's a bit hard to pinpoint something out of these, but most of them were really old, but not easy to trigger.

For example there were some javascript errors which were not easily reproducible, but turned out to be affecting quite a lot of our users. It turned out to be affecting only some variants of TIMESTAMP fields, what none of the reports did mention.

I've also switched all our libraries to use ApiGen 4 for generating docs as ApiGen 5 is way slower and is looking for new maintainer in the same time.

Handled issues:

Weblate 2.18

Weblate 2.18 has been released today. The biggest improvement is probably reviewer based workflow, but there are some other enhancements as well.

Full list of changes:

  • Extended contributor stats.
  • Improved configuration of special chars virtual keyboard.
  • Added support for DTD file format.
  • Changed keyboard shortcuts to less likely collide with browser/system ones.
  • Improved support for approved flag in Xliff files.
  • Added support for not wrapping long strings in Gettext po files.
  • Added button to copy permalink for current translation.
  • Dropped support for Django 1.10 and added support for Django 2.0.
  • Removed locking of translations while translating.
  • Added support for adding new units to monolingual translations.
  • Added support for translation workflows with dedicated reviewers.

If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions.

You can find more information about Weblate on https://weblate.org, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on https://hosted.weblate.org/ as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Turris, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects.

Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure.

Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W49

Last week was a bit calmer, the most visible part probably being release of the SQL parser with several fixes with improved SQL context handling.

Handled issues:

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W48

Looking at list of handled issues, last week was extremely productive. Many of that are issues where I've been working on them for long time and I've managed to complete them last week. For example the user preferences cleanup to store less things in cookies or common.inc.php cleanup.

I've also gone through open pull requests and merged the ones which made sense or were basically good to merge, but needed some cleanups.

There was also some fun with phpseclib 2.0.8 which was mistakenly released from master branch instead of 2.0, what lead to API breakage. Fortunately this was really just a mistake and 2.0.9 reverted these changes.

Handled issues: