Michal Čihař - Blog Archives for Wammu

Wammu 0.30

I just released version 0.30 of Wammu. This release fixes various problems found by users. Full list of changes:

  • Do not fail if group ID can not be converted to name.
  • Updated to work with current python-gammu.
  • Translation updates.
  • Support for displaying picture on contacts.
  • Properly handle paths with special chars (bug #816).
  • Make build time dependency checks optional.
  • Drop wxPython 2.4 compatibility code.

This release also comes with binary for Windows with embedded Gammu 1.23.1.

New downloads mirror

The downloads amount for Gammu and Wammu is still increasing and when Ben Waymark offered me possibility to make an mirror, I happily accepted it. So from now, you can choose alternate download location for all downloads on my site!

The mirror is placed in UK, so if you have for whatever reason problems with connectivity to Czech Republic (where the primary site lives), it can be also good benefit for you to use alternate download location.

Call for Gammu/Wammu translators

New releases for both Gammu and Wammu are getting closer and I'd like to invite anybody to translating these programs to his language. Both projects use gettext, so if you are familiar with it, you can download po files from SVN and translate in your favorite editor. If you prefer an easy way, you can use web based interface (Pootle):

For Wammu: https://l10n.cihar.com/projects/wammu/

For Gammu: https://l10n.cihar.com/projects/gammu/

You don't have to translate everything at once, but every translated term counts!

If you hesitate where to start, fist look at Wammu, it is usually the application, which user tries first and having it translated is nice.

Starting from this release, Gammu man pages can be also translated and these can be also considered a priority translate material to ease learning curve for unfamiliar users, their texts are located in separate po file - docs.po.

To translate, just go to translation server, where you can translate online (registration is required) or checkout po files from SVN (svn://svn.cihar.com/wammu/trunk or svn://svn.cihar.com/gammu/trunk) and send me diff of po file.

Wammu 0.29

I just released version 0.29 of Wammu. This release fixes various problems found by users. Full list of changes:

  • Fixed handling of call entries with multiple dates.
  • Handle phones where writing entry to SIM card takes long (bug #682).
  • Properly skip corrupted entries (bug #467).
  • Added export of messages to XML (thanks to Florent Kaisser).
  • Properly report failures when importing backup (bug #303).
  • Add --info command line option to show connection info (bug #426).
  • Add --debug switch to enable debug output to stderr (bug #426).
  • Sign Windows binaries.

This release also comes with binary for Windows with embedded Gammu 1.21.0.

Wammu 0.28

I just released version 0.28 of Wammu. This release fixes various problems found by users. Full list of changes:

  • Fixed freeze while searching for Bluetooth devices.
  • Fixed guided configuration of Bluetooth devices (no more complains about not existing device).
  • Fixed saving of backups to folder with non ASCII names.
  • Validation is less strict and allows hopefully all number.

This release also comes with binary for Windows with embedded Gammu 1.20.0.

Wammu 0.27

I just released version 0.27 of Wammu. This release fixes various problems found by users. Full list of changes:

  • Do not fail if phone does not support call notifications.
  • Improved handling of empty config file.
  • Lot of translation updates.
  • Fix compatibility with some IMAP servers.

This release also comes with binary for Windows with embedded Gammu 1.20.0.

Zmatení z Czech Open Source

Když jsem dneska viděl anketu na rootu , na první pohled jsem si myslel, že se někdo zbláznil a dostaly se tam dva projekty na kterých dělám - Wammu a phpMyAdmin . Po bližším zkoumání se ukázalo, že tam mám jenom jeden a phpMinAdmin opravdu není phpMyAdmin, jak si zabudovaná oprava překlepů v mozku původně domyslela.

Když si vzpomenu, kolik open source projektů muselo změnit jméno kvůli podobností názvu s nějakým komerčním produktem, tak si říkám, jak by to dopadlo tady (ne že bych měl něco takového v plánu). Ale stejně by mě zajímalo kolik lidí si to splete a bude si myslet, že hlasují pro phpMyAdmina :-).

PS: Jinak samozřejmě hlasujte pro Wammu, ať taky něco vyhraju (i když vůbec netuším co že tam projekty mají vyhrát :-)).

Wammu for Windows is back

This week I finally realized where problem with random crashes in Wammu and python-gammu lies - python-gammu was using two version of C library - mscvrt.dll and mscvr71.dll. First one came from Gammu and second one from Python. Starting with 1.19.0, Gammu is built with mscvr71.dll and random crashes are gone. Any tester did not report problems with Windows binary, so I decided to make it finally an official release.

So after year or more Windows users can finally use up to date Wammu version! Fortunately I can produce this version without even touching Windows. Thanks to tools such as MinGW and Wine, everything from compiling to generating installer can be scripted and done automatically on Linux!

So Windows users can now also download current version from http://wammu.eu/download/, enjoy it.

Wammu 0.26

I just released version 0.26 of Wammu. This release fixes various problems found by users. Full list of changes:

  • Various attempts to make Windows version back to usable state, but it is not ready yet as there are quite random crashes in python-gammu on Windows. Anybody with knowledge of python modules on Windows who is willing to help is welcome.
  • Dropped GNOME Bluetooth (btctl) support, it crashes too often.
  • Fix icons size to be all 16x16.
  • Fixed crash when D-Bus can not launch notification service.

There is still no working binary for Windows. I don't have time and environment for maintaining them. Volunteers are welcome!