You might have notice that this server had outage for whole night. I was affraid of some hardware issues, but the reason was much simpler - my init script hang and because of that server can not start. Next time I will write init script, I will definitely check whether it works correctly ;-).
Wammu/Gammu configuration wizard
I just finished first (and most complicated) part of new phone configuration wizard for Gammu/Wammu. You can now go through few questions which will result in configuration for Gammu/Wammu.
Yes I'm talking about united configuration, as I will probably switch to using Gammu configuration in next Wammu release. Separate configuration caused too much confusion and united configuration will help other tools like gMobileBrowser to work easily (maybe even using my wizard).
If you want to test it, just donwload Wammu snapshot from Wammu
page and run ./
from it. You won't
yet get configuration out of it, configuration will be printed to
standard output.
And searching and manual configuration parts are not yet implemented, I will do them later, but they are much less coding than guided configuration…
Configuration wizard
I did another part of configuration wizard for Gammu/Wammu, so if you are interested how it will look like, you cat try current Wammu snapshot and tell me how you like the wizard. It doesn't do any real action so far, only provides most of pages it will provide once it is fully functional :-).
Upgraded to Firefox^WIceweasel 2.0
I upgraded to Iceweasel 2.0 on most places during this week. And this convinced me to start looking for another browser. I didn't like Firefox in past much, but I was too lazy to look and start using alternatives. But this new release convinced me. It haz crazy new look. Why it doesn't look like regullar Gtk application? I'd prefer that over special custom tab bar it is currently using.
And why the hell does not Ctrl+W close window when closing last tab? Maybe it was too confusing for some users to have window closed…
PS: Oh now I see: I have to use Ctrl+Shift+W to make it close last window. Why is it not standard Ctrl+Q? And it looks like I'm not alone who complains on new Firefox :-).
Clyde concert
Yesterday I visited concert of Prague hard rock band Clyde. It was first time I've heard them live and I wasn't really happy with sound in this concert. It sounded overexcited and it was probably caused by sound mixer crew. Anyway the music itself is pretty good and I like it, you can download some MP3s on their website.
You can find some photos from concert on my sister's pages. There are only pictures of the band, because there was almost no audience (something around 20 people). This was quite strange experience, as I've never been on so empty rock concert :-).
Designer in demo
This morning I enabled new Designer feature in phpMyAdmin demo (currently available only in trunk). It's embeded version of phpMyDesigner which was originally developed as separate product.
Please give it some testing as there might be some problems in integration.
Where do I live?
I was just shocked by recent order of our minister of culture - fees for empty media will be increased from current minimal ammount (around 0.20 CZK) to 5 CZK (0.2 €) for DVD. Now it will be quite important part of price of empty DVD medium. It's strange for people like me, who use such mediums mostly for backup purposes. Looking for country where such crazy fees do not exist!
Graphic designer wanted
I'm looking for somebody with experiences on drawing graphics. Next Wammu will come with some nice features which would require some images. For now I'm sure there will be two new wizards:
- Phone configuration wizard - to ease configuration of phone. Either by embeding current search ability or by guiding user through manual configuration.
- Migration wizard - migrate data between phones. You know this situation - you bring brand new phone and want to migrate your existing data from old one to it as quick as possible. Side effect of this will be also backup/restore wizard only by using backup files instead of source or target phone.
I want them to look good, so a bit of graphic would help. Is there somebody willing to help?
Finally no unread mail
During my sickness last week and half, my mailbox was slowly filling with various messages. Mostly feedback about Gammu, Wammu or phpMyAdmin, but also various other issues. Now I finally managed to get through all of them and I have zero unread mail. Hooray. Well I don't think it will keep on this state long, but it's good to cleanup old issues sometimes :-).
Bugfixing day
I decided to do finally some work oh phpMyAdmin today. I went through security announcements we (or I directly) received and tried to reproduce and fix them. Now everything seems to be fixed in Subversion and we're going to release today. So if you have time, please test MAINT_2_9_1 branch, to awoid some major breakage :-).
PS: You can also download snapshot.