phpMyAdmin started to be hosted on SourceForge long time ago (AFAIR it
was in 2001). It has served mostly good for it's purpose, but these
days, it's getting like nightmare.
First, at the end of March, CVS servers crashed and since that time
anonymous CVS is disabled. Well at least that does not stop developing.
Last week developer CVS server crashed. It has been disabled since then
and we're now waiting for new CVS infrastructure, which should be ready
several months ago (at least they promised so). This stopped phpMyAdmin
development and also delayed deployment of some security fixes.
Okay, problems happen, but why the hell they didn't announce this on
status page until some personal intervencies happened?
And I'm a bit confused about their "priority support" which is provided
for subscribers. More than two days old report and no answer? I'm
probably not going to pay next year...