As I messed previous upload and half of binaries were built against old gammu, I just sent new upload to my sponsor to fix bug #376486. I'm sorry for inconvenience…
python-gammu 0.14
It is finally out :-). Only minor changes in docs and build system to fix win32 build.
Second notification on RSS change
Some time ago, I switched python-gammu and Wammu RSS from Mantis generated to my weblog. However there are still many people using old locations which are redirected to new place. The redirection won't stay there forever, please subscribe to actual locations, you can find them on project pages or direcly on blog pages in all RSS and Atom variants.
Packaging delay
Yes I know there is gammu 1.07.00 which should be packaged, yes I know there is python transition ongoing which needs changes on my python packages, yes I know that there is new libbluetooth2 in archives which need gammu rebuild. Please be patient I will return back to packaging work as soon as I will have internet connection at home.
By that time you can also expect new python-gammu release which will be just minor update to fix some urgent things.
Phone database cleanup
I just did large cleanup of data in Gammu phone database. So there should be no duplicates and all phones should be in correct category. Please take care on selected manufacturer when you add new phones as otherwise people lookig for phone from specific manufacturer are confused.
I also fixed case of some letters in names, however I'm definitely not sure whether new variants are 100% correct as I don't know all phones :-).
Source code search
Have you ever need to lookup something in source code? Most developers probably did so. I needed to lookup something in Gammu sources and I decided to setup search engine over it. I decided to use Gonzui as it looks good and was easy to setup. So if you want to find something in sources, just point your browser to
Later I added also other my code (phpMyAdmin, Wammu, python-gammu, polld), so you probably want to use advanced search to limit results.
Recent Gammu in testing
Finally recent Gammu version (1.06.00) has been migrated to testing. It took so long as it needed manual hint because of both python-gammu/gammu breakage loops. Unfortunately there is no other way to resolve unstable Gammu ABI than using so strict dependencies.
Now I finally undestand why Gnokii is using that complex way for passing parameters. It is painful to use it, but it keeps ABI stable enough. We need to find better solution for this.
python-gammu for Windows
Finally there exists python-gammu module for Windows. Thanks to BitPim and especially Simon Capper for building it. You can grab it from usual place.
I will merge needed patches soon into regullar python-gammu relese.
Now I need volunteer to test Wammu on Windows, but it should not be that hard.
python-gammu being used
In recent days I got two announcement about starting projects using python-gammu. Both of them are GUI applications, so it looks like Wammu will have competitors.
It's good to see that, because I seriously don't have much time for writing Wammu and this will bring users other possibility. And maybe it will push me harder to finally make PyGTK rewrite of Wammu :-).
Let's see how will these projects evolve, but I hope they will be successful.
Debian packages for python-gammu 0.13
Packages for python-gammu 0.13 are ready in my repository, upload to distro will happen as soon as my sponsor finds time for that.