Michal Čihař - Blog Archives for Wammu

Wammu 0.38

It seems that the 0.37 release was not that good as I hoped for, so here comes another bugfix release. So here comes Wammu 0.38.

The list of changes is not really huge:

  • Compatibility with latest wxPython releases.
  • Fixed corrupted appdata metadata.
  • Fixed broken desktop file due to Chinese translation.
  • Translation updates.

I will not make any promises for future releases (if there will be any) as the tool is not really in active development.

Wammu 0.37

It has been more than three years since last release of Wammu and I've decided it's time to push changes made in the Git repos to the users. So here comes Wammu 0.37.

The list of changes is not really huge, but in total that means 1470 commits in git (most of that are translations):

  • Translation updates (Indonesian, Spanish, ...).
  • Add export of contact to XML.
  • Add Get all menu option.
  • Added appdata metadata.

I will not make any promises for future releases (if there will be any) as the tool is not really in active development.

Call for Wammu translations

I'm about to release new Wammu version in one or two weeks, so it's best time to look at the translations and improve them. There is not much new messages since last release, but only few translations were complete back then, so virtually any language (Czech and German are the only ones complete right now) needs improvements.

To translate you can simply use web interface:


If you want more information about translating, please visit our website:


Documentation translation

Some weeks ago, I've started to change documentation structure of Gammu to move from separate documents here and there into one comprehensive documentation which would cover it all. As a tool to do this I've chosen Sphinx, simply because I felt most convenient with the format and outputs it provides.

So far the SMSD documentation has been converted from various places and formats, but it also opened up a question - how to deal with translations? So far we used po4a to translate man pages, however using it for generated man pages is slightly complicated (there are some macros which po4a does not understand and it seems to break encoding on the way).

Translating whole new documentation is something what is unlikely to be finished, especially considering fact, that the only real existing translation so far is Czech which was done by me.

For now I decided to keep old translated man pages and postpone the decision, but considering current situation, I will most likely just drop the translations for man pages unless I find some good solution how to translate Sphinx documents (po4a should be able to do that, but it will probably need some tuning).

Learning graphviz

While working on new Gammu documentation I came to need to include some graphs showing some workflows. Looking into Sphinx documentation (which is used for the documentation for Gammu), I've discovered nice integration with graphviz.

Fortunately it was pretty easy to learn the basics, though I've never used it before and here it comes - message processing workflows for SMSD.

Great things on providing web based translation

Quite recently (just when migrating to gettext), it is possible to translate phpMyAdmin using web interface, which is powered by great software called Pootle. Thanks to this new interface, we've attracted quite a lot of translators and lot of languages are now much improved. Yesterday I also implemented way to backport these translations to old PHP based translation system which is still being used in 3.3 branch, so that even upcoming releases from this branch will benefit from this translation boost.

Yet another great think which happened thanks to l10n.cihar.com, is availability of German version of Wammu website, where enormous amount of work has happened in last few days.

Kudos to all people who are working there.

New Wammu and Gammu website

I just put online new Wammu and Gammu website at http://wammu.eu/. The reason for this change is that I want all relevant information about Gammu and related programs to be available in one place. You can find there information about Gammu, SMSD and python-gammu as well including some information and documentation which used to be spread in wiki and various other documents.

Also all Gammu and Wammu related announcements will be published only on that website and will no longer pollute my blog (and all planets where my blog is being syndicated). If you followed RSS feed, you should update your reader to http://wammu.eu/news/rss/.

The new website also includes updated Gammu Phone Database, which will look almost same to users, but has been completely rewritten underneath, what will allow some extensions in future and allows easier management of entries for me.

What currently lacks behind old website is Czech translation. The reason is in simple fact that new website contains much more texts and I did not yet have time to translate it. If you want to help, just go to l10n.cihar.com, or just follow translators instructions. This time it will be also possible to add other translations, so if you want to translate website to other language, you are welcome!

Moving to Git

After losing some data from svn, because I just did not have the latest backup and I only had data in local copy, I decided to finally migrate to Git.

For now the repositories are hosted on gitorious:

The svn server will stay there for some time, but I want to get rid of it in future.

PS: Translations from Pootle are now directly commited to separate Git repository under user data which he used to register in Pootle. I'll merge this repository time to time to mainlines.

Windows 7 compatible? What?

Well I really love these automatic test and "rewards". Today, Wammu has just received the "Windows 7 Compatible" award on ForteDownloads.com. Wow.

But as far as I know, it has some problems on Windows Vista with permissions and I doubt it will be better on Windows 7. Is anybody actually using these systems? I don't.

Wammu 0.30.1

Unfortunately Wammu 0.30 was not running on some Windows versions, so here comes fixed one. There is no need to update if you did not use Windows binaries. Full list of changes:

  • Fixed Windows build.
  • Fixed typo in desktop file.
  • Fixed spec file.