Michal Čihař - Blog Archives for phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin translations

Today, while merging changes to phpMyAdmin from our translation server I was very surprised that we have two languages which already reached 100% - Slovenian and Turkish (and four more just few strings from 100%). The huge amount of new strings introduced during 3.5 development (mostly being MySQL advisor hints) made me thing it will take very long time till they all get translated, but I was proven wrong.

Anyway there is still lot of work to do, so feel free to join our translators team.

phpMyAdmin demo server updates

phpMyAdmin demo server got some updates recently. First of all I've updated MySQL and MariaDB version it uses (MySQL is now on 5.5.7 and MariaDB on 5.3.2).

Later I've finally found time to make mentions of demo server less intrusive and fit more in existing interface. I've used jQuery to inject information about demo server to main page as one of standard boxes. It fits there nicely and puts information on main page where most users land anyway (you can see it for example here). With most important information on main page, the other pages could be reduced and now only mentions demo server and Git revision it is using.

This brings user experience closer to real phpMyAdmin without intrusive information shown on top of every page. I hope you will like it :-).

Překlad phpMyAdmina

Po delší době jsem se rozhodl do blogu občas přispět i v českém jazyce, tentokrát trochu agitační.

V nové verzi phpMyAdmina bude mimo jiné poradce pro nastavení parametrů serveru, v podstatě obdoba MySQLTuneru a podobných nástrojů. Protože se seskládá z velkého množství pravidel, jedná se opět pro velkou práci pro překladatele. Což je i důvod proč sem píši - zatím většina jejich popisů není přeložena do češtiny a to je úkol, se kterým můžete (při znalosti technické angličtiny) pomoci. Stačí se zaregistrovat na překladový server a začít překládat.

Samozřejmě je záhodno dodržet stávající terminologii používanou v překladu, ale jsem nakloněn i připomínkám a úpravám v něm, stačí se mi ozvat.

New Pootle on l10n.cihar.com

Translation server for phpMyAdmin and Gammu/Wammu has been updated to run latest Pootle. I had to do this upgrade to be able to run on latest Django, which is used by other websites as well (this blog is one of them).

Unfortunately it was not as easy as running apt-get upgrade as Pootle package has been dropped from Debian recently. So I had to make quick and dirty packages myself (no removal of embedded software and so on).

Installing newer version lead to major breakage as the database upgrade silently failed and I had to recover manually. In the end I've dropped all pootle_* tables and recreated them again. Unfortunately this lead to loss of some data from user profiles, but I could not see other way around.

Anyway the service should be now back running in normal shape, so go ahead and translate :-).

New features in phpMyAdmin

As our GSoC students are approaching quite well, we've already numerous features included in current master, which are worth mentioning. You can try all bellow mentioned features on our demo server.

Grid editing provides really simple way of editing data, by simply clicking on it while browsing table. Just try it on some table.

Performance suggestions are part of completely reworked server status and can give you valuable information how to tune your server. You can see it on demo server.

Another nice addition to server status page is live monitor, which charts basic server information in real time. Again, try it on demo server (you need to press start for now, this will probably go away soon).

Other big, thought not that fancy change is complete support for routines. This includes stored procedures/functions, triggers and events. For example see routines in sakilla database.

Of course there is much more to mention, like improving of AJAX in lot of places, GIS support.

On the other side, we've also recently decided to remove support for Microsoft Excel import and export as used PHPExcel library seems to suffer some licensing issues, which prevented phpMyAdmin from being included in Fedora. You can still use CSV or OpenDocument formats though.

phpMyAdmin code documentation

For some time, code documentation for phpMyAdmin had no official place. The reason for this was phpdoc eating way too much memory on daily runs, so I've disabled the cron job. Today I gave a try to DocBlox and it seems to work fine, so I've re-enabled daily builds.

The new (daily updated) documentation is available at same location as the original one was:


You can also check build failures in the build.log:


New features in phpMyAdmin

As most of the GSoC projects in phpMyAdmin go on quite well, we're already merging some of the new features to our master branch. You can try them all on our demo server and you are welcome to report any issues found :-).

First big part which has been changed is rewriting of server status page done by Tyron Madlener. It now provides more information, provides real time charts and much more. This change also included change in charts produced in other places in the code, so they are now more interactive and allow easy exporting.

The browse mode got improved as well, you can now reorder columns (by Aris Feryanto) and there are new options for displaying GIS data (by Madhura Jayaratne). While speaking about GIS, I have to mention another new feature - rendering of GIS data, either as polygons or on OpenStreetMap map (you can see it by clicking on "Visualize GIS data" link on browse page, it is not possible to link it directly due to XSS protection).

Many smaller changes are being done by Thilanka Kaushalya to convert various parts of user interface to AJAX.

And last but not least we have nice support for editing stored procedures and functions. Support for events and triggers will follow soon. All these are being done by Rouslan Placella.

I hope you will like these new features and thanks to all our GSoC students who are doing great job.

Lack of time

You can see it from my blog activity as well, I simply lack time for lot of things.

My Gammu mail folders are horribly full of unread mail, it took me there three months to release a new testing version and there are still some patches pending for review.

On phpMyAdmin side I spend most time with my GSoC students, who progress really well, but that's pretty much all I can do there. The good news is that phpmyadmin.cz website has new maintainer and is again getting new content. Hopefully it will stay alive for longer time to bring back lost visitors.

My Debian contributions are in still pretty good shape and I manage to fix important bugs, though my MPD related packages are still for sale. Still considering whether to go or not to go to Debconf, my decision will be probably based on fact whether I will get travel sponsorship or not (and when it would happen).

Besides these free software activities I began to be more active in Společné aktivity (in Czech) project for organizing various activities to spend free time.

Occasionally I also contribute to OpenStretMap, but it's more or less random time when I notice something is wrong or when I manage to visit some place which is not that good mapped. The good thing is that Prague is pretty good shape there, so it does not motivate me to spend too much time on this :-).

And of course there is my work at SUSE, working on usual L3 front and improving our Django based incident tracking tool.

Maybe I should step down from some of these, but it would be pretty hard for me to choose which one...

phpMyAdmin 3.4.0 is out

Today, Marc has released phpMyAdmin 3.4.0. This is huge step and introduces lot of new features. The most noteworthy are:

  • User preferences
  • Relation schema export to multiple formats
  • ENUM/SET editor
  • Simplified interface for export/import
  • AJAXification of some parts
  • Charts
  • Visual query builder

As you can see, many of new features come from last GSoC, it took us almost half year to stabilize all new stuff and make it work nicely together.

Thanks to last minute improvements in Japanese, it is fully translated to 15 languages, other translations are little behind, but you can still help improving them for future releases.

The master branch is now open to development and we will start to merge patches accumulated in patch tracker for addition after feature freeze.

PS: I forgot to mention that this release fixed largest number of feature requests and bugs ever - over 160 issues from sf.net tracker got closed. This can be nicely seen on tracker stats.

PS2: Package with new version was just uploaded to Debian.

phpMyAdmin translation status

It's time to report again progress on phpMyAdmin translations. I will make it shorter this time :-).

There has been great progress in translation progress. Japanese translation is near completing (only 55 messages are missing right now) thanks to Yuichiro who did tremendous work there. There is also ongoing effort for Sinhala translation lead by Madhura Jayaratne. Nevertheless the number of complete translations is still 14 (see my previous post for complete list).

Besides translating phpMyAdmin itself, there was lot of work on translating documentation, so we now have complete documentation translated to Spanish and very good progress on Chinese one.

As the final release of 3.4.0 is really close, anybody is welcome to translate missing bits. Any Norwegian, Polish or Finnish readers of this blog? I'm sure you can still make your translation complete! (Others are welcome as well of course.)