Michal Čihař - Archive for Jan. 1, 2008

Wammu 0.27

I just released version 0.27 of Wammu. This release fixes various problems found by users. Full list of changes:

  • Do not fail if phone does not support call notifications.
  • Improved handling of empty config file.
  • Lot of translation updates.
  • Fix compatibility with some IMAP servers.

This release also comes with binary for Windows with embedded Gammu 1.20.0.

python-gammu 0.26

New version of python-gammu has been just released. It improves compatibility with Python 2.5 and brings compatibility with Gammu 1.20.0. Full list of changes:

  • Compatibility with current gammu.
  • Improved compatibility with Python 2.5.

Download from usual place: http://cihar.com/gammu/python/

Gammu stable version 1.20.0

Good news everyone, new stable Gammu release is out. Since 1.19.91 it brings only few small fixes in OBEX and EMS, but there is quite big list of changes compared to 1.19.0:

  • Do not crash on EMS messages with no text (bug #612).
  • Fixed reading of OBEX files (bug #614).
  • Fixed decoding of Nokia messages (bug #527).
  • Fix handling of UTF8 charset with some Motorola phones.
  • Identify Motorola V635.
  • Set again charset in Motorola phones after changing AT mode.
  • Automatically enable OBEX for Motorola phones.
  • Fix searching of correct Bluetooth channel.
  • Improved SMSD error messages.
  • Fix SMS listing when phone was in text mode (bug #584).
  • Fix compilation when WCONTINUED/WIFCONTINUED is not defined.
  • Fixed listing SMS messages from AT phones in text mode (bug #584).
  • Added smscgi daemon by "Kamanashis Roy Shuva" kamanashisroy@gmail.com.
  • Cache once read messages to avoid reading them again (bug #481).

You can download from usual place: http://cihar.com/gammu/.

Gammu test version 1.19.91

Next testing version of Gammu was just born. It brings only small amount of fixes, but most users of recent Nokia phones will be pleased that long outstanding bug with SMS decoding has been fixed. Full list of changes:

  • Fixed decoding of Nokia messages (bug #527).

You can download from usual place: http://cihar.com/gammu/, Debian users can get packages from experimental.

Gammu test version 1.19.90

New Gammu testing version is finally out. This time it took much longer than usual and it contains some important fixes for messages and AT driver. Full list of changes:

  • Fix handling of UTF8 charset with some Motorola phones.
  • Identify Motorola V635.
  • Set again charset in Motorola phones after changing AT mode.
  • Automatically enable OBEX for Motorola phones.
  • Fix searching of correct Bluetooth channel.
  • Improved SMSD error messages.
  • Fix SMS listing when phone was in text mode (bug #584).
  • Fix compilation when WCONTINUED/WIFCONTINUED is not defined.
  • Fixed listing SMS messages from AT phones in text mode (bug #584).
  • Added smscgi daemon by "Kamanashis Roy Shuva" kamanashisroy@gmail.com.
  • Cache once read messages to avoid reading them again (bug #481).

You can download from usual place: http://cihar.com/gammu/, Debian users can get packages from experimental.

Two phpMyAdmin projects in GSoC 2008

Well I did not expect that much when MySQL offered us to piggyback on their participation in GSoC 2008, but at the end we have two projects. One is about blobstreaming which I absolutely don't know and is probably some amazing new technology :-). Marc will act as a sponsor on this together with some guys from http://www.blobstreaming.org.

The second project is setup rewrite where I will act as a mentor and Piotr Przybylski will implement it. Hopefully we will bring this to successful end and soon phpMyAdmin will bring you easier way to set up and configure it's options.

Velká jarní cyklojízda v Praze

Zítra ve čtvrtek 17. dubna 2008 se v Praze koná tradiční velká jarní cyklojízda . Pokud se někdy po Praze pohybujete na kole, vytáhněte ho zítra ze sklepa a přidejte se :-).

Sraz je tradičně v 18:00 na Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad a peloton se potom přes Náměstí Míru vydá na magistrálu, do Libně a skončí v Tróji, kde je připraven bohatý program.

Zmatení z Czech Open Source

Když jsem dneska viděl anketu na rootu , na první pohled jsem si myslel, že se někdo zbláznil a dostaly se tam dva projekty na kterých dělám - Wammu a phpMyAdmin . Po bližším zkoumání se ukázalo, že tam mám jenom jeden a phpMinAdmin opravdu není phpMyAdmin, jak si zabudovaná oprava překlepů v mozku původně domyslela.

Když si vzpomenu, kolik open source projektů muselo změnit jméno kvůli podobností názvu s nějakým komerčním produktem, tak si říkám, jak by to dopadlo tady (ne že bych měl něco takového v plánu). Ale stejně by mě zajímalo kolik lidí si to splete a bude si myslet, že hlasují pro phpMyAdmina :-).

PS: Jinak samozřejmě hlasujte pro Wammu, ať taky něco vyhraju (i když vůbec netuším co že tam projekty mají vyhrát :-)).

Similarity in project names

While looking at poll about Czech open source for first time, I was surprised that two of my projects got in - phpMyAdmin and Wammu. After looking again at that page I noticed there is a typo in phpMyAdmins name, it was written as phpMinAdmin. Then I looked even more carefully and even URL it is pointing to is something different. In this time I realized that it is something completely different with just very similar name. phpMinAdmin is some minimalistic clone of phpMyAdmin, but why they could not choose a bit more different name?

PS: Anyway you can still vote for Wammu in Czech open source :-).