Michal Čihař - Blog Archives for Website

Icons for RSS feeds

I just randomly found Feed Icons website which is trying to standardize icon for feeds. I'm not sure whether having exactly same icon on all sites is really needed, but thanks for the icon guys. Now I use it for related blog entries over rest of this web site.

NanoBlogger customisations

When I looked for blog system to use, I have looked to various systems. From big ones like Wordpress to small ones like NanoBlogger. At the end I ended with NanoBlogger, because it looked more suitable for my needs.

However I still needed some customizations to make it work exactly how I want. First was to enable experimental titpe-based links. This makes links look better and people (and search engines) can see from link what is the entry about. Besides uncommenting some parts of code commented with experimental title-based links, there was needed little change to archive generator to make correct links for previous/next entries.

Next think I wantes was RSS feed list for categories on main pages. This is needed as many people will be interested only in some parts of this blog. This part is a bit hacky and I choose simple way to do this by only changing parts in category links.

Last thing is listing which is included on other pages like pma.cihar.com. This part only uses existing code and doesn't really add anything new except two tempates for it.

Now I enjoy NanoBlogger and hopefully it will last some time :-). If you want to use same customization, patch is available here.

Downloads over FTP

Donwload server dl.cihar.com is now available also over ftp. If you want to mirror some content, FTP is more suited for such thing. I might ever block your access to HTTP, if your mirrorer will be too aggressive.

Mantis and new MySQL

I just moved Mantis serving bugs.cihar.com to this host and upgraded it also to latest stable version. However it still doesn't deal correctly with recent MySQL. I have no idea why all those PHP application guys ignore charset features in MySQL.

So if you want to use non ASCII chars in Mantis with recent MySQL and you need to modify core/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php and add at the end of _connect and _pconnect funcions code to set connection charset:

mysql_query('SET NAMES \'utf8\'', $this->_connectionID);

phpMyAdmin demo server has themes

I just updated demo server to avoid gap between current development code and demo caused by long anonymous CVS outage on sourceforge.

As special bonus HEAD demo now contains all themes which are available on phpMyAdmin site, enjoy various colours of phpMyAdmin! (Please note that not all themes are up to date with current code, so something might not look perfectly.)

Debian repository change

As result of reorganisation, my Debian repository structure has been changed. Correct sources.list lines are now following:

deb http://debian.cihar.com/ unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src http://debian.cihar.com/ unstable main contrib non-free

Please also note that Gammu is already in Debian unstable and testing, so you can use version from there. I usually use this repository as place where my sponsor downloads source packages, so new version appear here sooner than in Debian archive (this is especially true when packages needs to go through NEW queue).

This repository contains all packages for i386 and amd64 architectures. You can browse their list on debian.cihar.com.