Today I got finally enough fed up with Firefox^WIceweasel and started to
look for alternative. Konqueror might be a solution, but I don't use
anything from KDE, so it would be paintful. So only browsers which
remained were Gecko based. Not that big improvement, but at least I will
get rid of some stupid ideas which were implemented when Firefox 2.0
came out.
As first I tried Gnome default browser - Epiphany. I already thought
about using it several times, but I was never able to customize it to my
needs. But now I have all needed functions after installing few plugins
and bookmarklets. I especially like Python plugins, this way it is quite
easy to write/change a bit some plugin, which does what you need.
The only thing I currently miss is some bookmark synchronisation,
because I use browser on several computers. But I will hopefully find
something soon.