Michal Čihař - Blog Archives for phpMyAdmin

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W25

As you could see from the release news it has been quite busy week in terms of fixing security issues. It has actually started just after announcement of security audit funded by Mozilla SOS Fund. It seems this is best way to attract attention security reviewers and we got really a lot of it.

So most of work in last two weeks was to deal with incoming security reports. Fortunately there is still nothing critical if you are not using ancient unpatched PHP version which is vulnerable to null termination of strings. This was quite hard work as immediately once we started to think about releasing version with fixes, new report came in and the process repeated several times. Fortunately we've made it to do three security releases (one for each supported branch) and it seems that we've not broken anything (at least there is no bug report indicating that).

Let's see what next weeks bring and how much security work will be there, but we definitely should focus on doing some reviews continuously rather than doing such one off actions.

On the other side in terms of handled public issues this week was really low volume:

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W24

Last week was again focused on code cleanup. The biggest part is splitting up the shapefile library out of our codebase. It's original upstream is not active for years and people started to use the library from our code instead, so separating it makes perfect sense.

While working on that, the library got some basic tests, but I'm still looking for more complex testcases to cover even situation we do not use in phpMyAdmin.

Besides this, there were some bug fixes in phpMyAdmin itself and it's Docker container. Additionally here was quite some security work after we've published information about passed security audit, but that will be described later.

Handled issues:

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W23

Last week was a bit more focused on improving our Docker container. It's still not perfect, but it works way better than before. I'm also learning Docker on the way, so the progress is not as fast as it could be.

When speaking about learning I've again learned some new things about PHP - this time it was fact that the debug_backtrace function returns reference to actual interpreters backtrace, so if you change something there, you change the parameters in the code above in the stack. It was quite hard to figure out, but fortunately easy to fix afterwards. Anyway if you have not matching library and PHP MySQL module, you could not connect to MySQL server with phpMyAdmin because of this.

Rest of work was regular bug screening and fixing, nothing really outstanding.

Handled issues:

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W22

Last week was a bit relaxed for me as I had few days off, so the amount of work was also quite limited.

Quite a lot of time was spent on investigating issue #12243, which in the end turned out to be problem in Fedora packaging as it's using outdated SQL parser library, which contains many bugs which have been fixed meanwhile. This is now reported in their bug tracker and hopefully get fixed soon. Anyway if you're running phpMyAdmin from Fedora / EPEL packages, you might be bitten by various bugs which are already fixed upstream.

Also if you're looking for free software job, you can join me in working on phpMyAdmin, we're looking for second developer!

Handled issues:

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W21

Last week I found time to dig into some ancient issues and managed to fix them. There was some security work as well as we've managed to issue 3 security announcements (nothing really important, but still worth of fixing).

There was usual amount of bug fixing as well, but I'd say there is nothing noteworthy in the bugs, just there was quite a lot of them :-).

What is still ongoing is migration of content from wiki to our documentation. I've again moved dozen of pages and deleted some outdated, so the User guide looks better and better.

Handled issues:

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W20

Another week is over and it's time to report contributions from it. Issue wise not much things were fixed, but quite a lot of time was spent on reviewing reported issues.

Another continued effort was migrating content from wiki to our documentation. Unfortunately this is also not yet completed as some of the documents have diverged quite a lot and integrating them back is not as straightforward as I'd like it to be.

Handled issues:

wlc 0.3

wlc 0.3, a command line utility for Weblate, has been just released. This is probably first release which is worth using so it's probably also worth of bigger announcement.

It is built on API introduced in Weblate 2.6 and still being in development. Several commands from wlc will not work properly if executed against Weblate 2.6, first fully supported version will be 2.7 (current git is okay as well, it is now running on both demo and hosting servers).

How to use it? First you will probably want to store the credentials, so that your requests are authenticated (you can do unauthenticated requests as well, but obviously only read only and on public objects), so lets create ~/.config/weblate:

url = https://hosted.weblate.org/api/

https://hosted.weblate.org/api/ = APIKEY

Now you can do basic commands:

$ wlc show weblate/master/cs
last_author: Michal Čihař
last_change: 2016-05-13T15:59:25
revision: 62f038bb0bfe360494fb8dee30fd9d34133a8663
share_url: https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/weblate/cs/
total: 1361
total_words: 6144
translate_url: https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/weblate/master/cs/
translated: 1361
translated_percent: 100.0
translated_words: 6144
url: https://hosted.weblate.org/api/translations/weblate/master/cs/
web_url: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/weblate/master/cs/

You can find more examples in wlc documentation.

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W19

After week of vacation I got back to work. There was lot of bug screening this week, it seems that people are finally migrating to 4.6 and discovering new problems there. Fortunately 4.6.1 has been released fixing most annoying issues.

Several issues were quite tricky to debug issue happening solely on Windows servers and looked quite tricky from beginning (breaking utf-8 chars). It turned out to be caused by preg_replace calls on the content, which could break utf-8 chars in some cases.

Handled issues:

Fifteen years with phpMyAdmin and free software

Today it's fifteen years from my first contribution to free software. I've changed several jobs since that time, all of them involved quite a lot of free software and now I'm fully working on free software.

The first contribution happened to be on phpMyAdmin and did consist of Czech translation:

Subject: Updated Czech translation of phpMyAdmin
From: Michal Cihar <cihar@email.cz>
To: swix@users.sourceforge.net
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 11:23:36 +0200
X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.2]


I've updated (translated few added messages) Czech translation of phpMyAdmin. 
I send it to you in two encodings, because I thing that in distribution 
should be included version in ISO-8859-2 which is more standard than Windows 

    Michal Cihar

Many other contributions came afterwards, several projects died on the way, but it has been a great ride so far. To see some of these you can look at my software page which contains both current and past projects and also includes later opensourced tools I've created earlier (mostly for Windows).

These days you can find me being active on phpMyAdmin, Gammu, python-gammu and Wammu, Debian and Weblate.

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W17

Last week was quite split into many smaller tasks - working on our libraries (both SQL parser and motranslator got new releases with bug fixes), fixing bugs for upcoming 4.6.1 and working on documentation.

From the libraries side, probably most visible is release of motranslator 1.0, just to claim it's now stable enough. Let's see if somebody else will pick it up as well or it will stay only for our use.

Most time was however spent on our documentation. We've agreed to move wiki from our server to GitHub wiki and reduce content available on the wiki. So far it's really mixture of user documentation, notes and developer documentation. The final shape should be that wiki will contain only developer documentation and all end user documentation will go to our documentation. So far I've gone through about half of user docs pages, deleted duplicated ones and moved content to our documentation. It is most visible on the user guide which now contains way more information and hopefully it will get more complete in near future.

Handled issues: