I already announced that development version of Wammu has new
configuration wizard. Now it's time to show it and maybe gain attention
of somebody who would be willing to create original artwork for it
(current image is taken from KMobileTools).
So first you have to select how you want to configure your phone

Searching will just find your phone (well at least it should), so it is
not much interesting :-), so let's show guided configuration. As next
step you select how you connect your phone. I hope every user will know
how to answer this:

Next we need to know phone type to limit number of choices to show

As we're didn't know in previous step, now we have to select from all
possible connection types:

Next step (final driver selection) is quite easy in this situation as we
don't have much choices:

The only remaining step is selecting of device out of few listed (you
can enter your own):

Now wizard will verify you configuration:

And you can name this phone configuration (phone name is filled in by

So that's it! The wizard has still some minor glitches, but I hope they
will be polished till release and you will enjoy it!