What does cryptic shortcut for different cables for different Nokia
phones mean? This was always a bit confusing to me. Now I finally found
some document which writes quite clearly, what all they do.
Unfortunately for most readers of this blog, it is only in Czech
language -
Ovládání mobilního telefonu jednočipovým mikroprocesorem. However
here is quick summary if somebody is interested:
Single wire (+ ground) connection, usually used for servicing phone,
but sometimes also exposes some functionality. Fixed baud rate at 9600.
DTR and RTS usually used as power source, DTR should be low and RTS
Two wire (+ ground) connection, used for user data. Variable baud rate
(but usually 115200). DTR and RTS usually used as power source, DTR
should be low and RTS high.
DAU-9 / DLR-3
Cables for both FBUS and MBUS, switching is usually done by toggling RTS
or DTR signals (for DAU-9) or special AT command (for DLR-3). DLR-3 also
additionally supports AT commands over FBUS lines.
This is basically DLR-3 cable with USB/RS232 converter, so it is first
step of getting USB into phones.
This is for recent phones which directly support USB, it contains no
logic, just wires for USB.