Michal Čihař - Blog Archives for English

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W24

Besides usual bug screening and pull requests merging, I've spent quite some amount in digging reports in our error reporting server and fixed the most visible ones.

The error reporting server collects errors happening in phpMyAdmin installations worldwide (this is opt-in reporting) and gives us insights where our users suffer most. Some of the errors are really weird and probably indicate PHP bug, but as we don't collect more information than is necessary, we really can not say for sure and we can not find person to reproduce the bug. Anyway if something has happened hundredth times on several installations, it's probably worth fixing in our code base.

Handled issues:

Call for Weblate translations

Weblate 2.15 is almost ready (I expect no further code changes), so it's really great time to contribute to it's translations! Weblate 2.15 should be released early next week.

As you might expect, Weblate is translated using Weblate, so the contributions should be really easy. In case there is something unclear, you can look into Weblate documentation.

I'd especially like to see improvements in the Italian translation which was one of the first in Weblate beginnings, but hasn't received much love in past years.

python-gammu for Windows

It has been few months since I'm providing Windows binaries for Gammu, but other parts of the family were still missing. Today, I'm adding python-gammu.

Unlike previous attempts which used crosscompilation on Linux using Wine, this is also based on AppVeyor. Still I don't have to touch Windows to do that, what is nice :-). This has been introducted in python-gammu 2.9 and depend on Gammu 1.38.4.

What is good on this is that pip install python-gammu should now work with binary packages if you're using Python 3.5 or 3.6.

Maybe I'll find time to look at option providing Wammu as well, but it's more tricky there as it doesn't support Python 3, while the python-gammu for Windows can currently only be built for Python 3.5 and 3.6 (due to MSVC dependencies of older Python versions).

New projects on Hosted Weblate

Hosted Weblate provides also free hosting for free software projects. The hosting requests queue was over one month long, so it's time to process it and include new project.

This time, the newly hosted projects include:

We now also host few new Minetest mods:

If you want to support this effort, please donate to Weblate, especially recurring donations are welcome to make this service alive. You can do them on Liberapay or Bountysource.

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W23

Last week was again quite busy on the issue tracker and pull requests. I start to think that I barely get to real development over handling flow of incoming reports and pull requests.

I've manged to fix some issues with parsing comments in SQL parser, which probably was not that much visible in phpMyAdmin, but was quite annoying when using SQL parser as library. Generally it seems that people are starting to use it, so at least one of our separate libraries is getting some user base outside phpMyAdmin.

Handled issues:

Gammu family releases

During last weeks I was finally able to push out some releases of Gammu and related tools. Those were mostly waiting for quite some time in Git, but still will be useful for many users.

Gammu 1.38.3 brings several SMSD performance improvements (I'd like to hear feedback here how much it helped in real world workloads), fixes USSD related crashes and adds support for new devices.

python-gammu 2.8 finally brings emoji fixes to Python users as well. Those were fixed in Gammu quite some time ago, but the Python API still didn't handle them properly. There was also simplification in the calls API.

Wammu release will follow shortly in next days, the most important change there being license change to GPLv3 or later.

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W22

Last week was quite equally spread across our projects. I've spent time on motranslator, sql-parser, localized documentation and of course phpMyAdmin itself.

Generally it was mostly focused on going through issue trackers and pull requests to see what has happened in week I was offline.

Handled issues:

Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W21

Last week was a bit shorter for me, but still there was quite some bugfixes done.

Most of the time was spent of fixing handling malformed mo files in motranslator, where the issues were reported by Emanuel Bronshtein. The library is now way more fault tolerant than it used to be if it gets corrupted file.

There was also quite some pull requests on phpMyAdmin to review and merge, but that seems to be usual in last weeks :-).

Handled issues:

Running Bitcoin node on Turris Omnia

For quite some I'm happy user of Turris Omnia router. The router has quite good hardware, so I've decided to try if I can run Bitcoin node on that and ElectrumX server.

To make the things easier to manage, I've decided to use LXC and run all these in separate container. First of all you need LXC on the router. This is the default setup, but in case you've removed it, you can add it back in the Updater settings.

Now we will create Debian container. There is basic information on using in Turris Documentation on how to create the container, in latter documentation I assume it is called debian.

It's also good idea to enable LXC autostart, to do so add your container to cat /etc/config/lxc-auto on :

config container
    option name debian

You might also want to edit lxc container configration to enable clean shutdown:

# Send SIGRTMIN+3 to shutdown systemd (37 on Turris Omnia)
lxc.haltsignal = SIGRTMIN+3

To make the system more recent, I've decided to use Debian Stretch (one of reasons was that ElectrumX needs Python 3.5.3 or newer). Which is anyway probably sane choice right now given that it's already frozen and will be soon stable. As Stretch is not available as a download option in Omnia, I've chosen to use Debian Jessie and upgrate it later:

$ lxc-attach  --name debian
$ sed -i s/jessie/stretch/ /etc/apt/sources.list
$ apt update
$ apt full-upgrade

Now you have up to date system and we can start installing dependencies. First thing to install is Bitcoin Core. Just follow the instructions on their website to do that. Now it's time to set it up and wait for downloading full blockchain:

$ adduser bitcoin
$ su - bitcoin
$ bitcoind -daemon

Depending on your connection speed, the download will take few hours. You can monitor the progress using bitcoin-cli, you're waiting for 450k blocks:

$ bitcoin-cli getinfo
  "version": 140000,
  "protocolversion": 70015,
  "walletversion": 130000,
  "balance": 0.00000000,
  "blocks": 301242,
  "timeoffset": -1,
  "connections": 8,
  "proxy": "",
  "difficulty": 8853416309.1278,
  "testnet": false,
  "keypoololdest": 1490267950,
  "keypoolsize": 100,
  "paytxfee": 0.00000000,
  "relayfee": 0.00001000,
  "errors": ""

Depending how much memory you have (mine has 2G) and what all you run on the router, you will have to tweak bitcoind configuration to consume less memory. This can be done by editing .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf, I've ended up with following settings:


You can also create startup unit for Bitcoin daemon (place that as /etc/systemd/system/bitcoind.service):




Now we can enable services to start on container start:

systemctl enable bitcoind.service

Then I wanted to setup ElectrumX as well, but I've quickly realized that it uses way more memory that my router has, so there is no option to run it without using swap, what will probably make it quite slow (I haven't tried that).

Weblate 2.14.1

Weblate 2.14.1 has been released today. It is bugfix release fixing possible migration issues, search results navigation and some minor security issues.

Full list of changes:

  • Fixed possible error when paginating search results.
  • Fixed migrations from older versions in some corner cases.
  • Fixed possible CSRF on project watch and unwatch.
  • The password reset no longer authenticates user.
  • Fixed possible captcha bypass on forgotten password.

If you are upgrading from older version, please follow our upgrading instructions.

You can find more information about Weblate on https://weblate.org, the code is hosted on Github. If you are curious how it looks, you can try it out on demo server. You can login there with demo account using demo password or register your own user. Weblate is also being used on https://hosted.weblate.org/ as official translating service for phpMyAdmin, OsmAnd, Turris, FreedomBox, Weblate itself and many other projects.

Should you be looking for hosting of translations for your project, I'm happy to host them for you or help with setting it up on your infrastructure.

Further development of Weblate would not be possible without people providing donations, thanks to everybody who have helped so far! The roadmap for next release is just being prepared, you can influence this by expressing support for individual issues either by comments or by providing bounty for them.